NEWS of the Day - July 3, 2004
on some LACP issues of interest


NEWS of the Day - July 3, 2004
on some issues of interest to the community policing and neighborhood activist

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following group of articles from local newspapers and other sources constitutes but a small percentage of the information available to the community policing and neighborhood activist public. It is by no means meant to cover every possible issue of interest, nor is it meant to convey any particular point of view ...

We present this simply as a convenience to our readership ...


From the LA Times:


Critics of Beating May Be Stymied
In the days since a Los Angeles police officer beat a black suspected car thief as cameras rolled, some civic leaders have demanded that the officer be brought to justice. But if by justice, they mean a criminal conviction, they might not be satisfied.
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Judge Dismisses Libel Case Against Governor
A Los Angeles judge late Friday dismissed a libel suit brought against Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his campaign by a former stuntwoman who leveled election eve charges last fall that he had twice assaulted her.
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No-Smoking Signs Go Up at Two L.A. County Beaches
The ban began June 22, but the notices at Mothers and Topanga come just in time for Fourth of July.
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King/Drew's Rating Lowered
A national hospital commission found this week that Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center had not fully corrected problems identified during a surprise inspection in February, and it lowered the status of the troubled public hospital.
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Alarcon Reports Raising $200,000
State Sen. Richard Alarcon reported this week that he has raised $200,000 for his campaign to challenge Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn.
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Legislator Plans Talks on Beating
Flanked by Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn and other city leaders Friday morning, Assemblyman Mark Ridley-Thomas announced that he was convening a series of community meetings to reduce tensions in the aftermath of the videotaped police beating of a black suspected car thief.
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L.A.'s 18th Street Gang Is Hit With Injunction Forbidding Recruiting
With a new twist on an old tactic, the Los Angeles city attorney's office has won a permanent injunction against the infamous 18th Street gang, barring members from recruiting young people.
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From the Daily News:


Murder spike in Valley
The LAPD has come close to achieving Chief William Bratton's goal of reducing serious crime by 20 percent in 2004 but homicides have risen slightly citywide and skyrocketed by 48 percent in the San Fernando Valley, according to midyear figures.
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Dialogue planned by LAPD
Hoping to provide a forum for frustrations exposed by videotaped police beatings of black suspects, civic leaders on Friday announced a daylong series of community sessions across Los Angeles on Thursday.
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City officials fear loss from hotel labor strike

Fearful of the impact of another labor strike on the city, Mayor James Hahn urged hotel owners and workers on Friday to resume negotiations to head off any job action.

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Landfill operators offer cash
SUN VALLEY -- Bradley Landfill operators offered Thursday to pay more than $4 million into a community fund if the City Council allows them to increase the height and capacity of the dump.
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From other sources:


From the LAPD
"Detectives Seek Clues in Burglary Case"
The Los Angeles Police Department is requesting the community's assistance in identifying the individuals and in recovering the remains of one of its own dedicated and loyal public servants.

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Click below to find out how
to go to and sign up for the various online
newspapers and news sources listed:

LA Times

Daily News

