NEWS of the Day - July 28, 2004
on some LACP issues of interest


NEWS of the Day - July 28, 2004
on some issues of interest to the community policing and neighborhood activist

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following group of articles from local newspapers and other sources constitutes but a small percentage of the information available to the community policing and neighborhood activist public. It is by no means meant to cover every possible issue of interest, nor is it meant to convey any particular point of view ...

We present this simply as a convenience to our readership ...


From the LA Times:


Baca to Study Deputies' Role in Beating Probe
L.A. County sheriff says he'll examine alleged misstatements to LAPD investigators about the June 23 arrest of a suspected car thief.
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Riders Safe After Red Line Evacuation
Malfunctions cause the subway to slow to a crawl, prompting riders to get off between stations and the MTA to cut power to the area.
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L.A., Scouts Immune From Abuse Suit
A man who alleged that a former deputy police chief molested him three decades ago cannot sue the city of Los Angeles or the Boy Scouts for failing to protect him, a judge has ruled.
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Pasadena Alters Plan for Retrofit

A $93.3-million retrofitting of Pasadena's historic City Hall for earthquake safety may exceed estimates by several million dollars because of the increased price of steel and concrete on the international market, city officials said.
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Shooting by Officer Justified, Police Say
The shooting death of a black man by Pasadena police officers in April, which fanned racial tension between residents and law enforcement, was justified, according to an internal investigation released Tuesday by the Pasadena Police Department.
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Union for City Hall Workers OKs Pact
The union representing 10,000 blue-collar workers at City Hall has tentatively agreed to a contract that defers raises for a year to accommodate the city's budget problems, union officials said Tuesday.
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Alarcon Unveils Website for Race
The portal features information on the mayoral candidate and his blog.
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From the Daily News:


Plug pulled on DWP's computer-bid system
A computer system intended to save the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power millions of dollars a year on purchases and reduce the possibility of "pay to play" bidding was shut down by the company that developed it because the utility hasn't paid its bills, officials said Tuesday.
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Few needy L.A. kids get promised tutoring

Only 4 percent of the thousands of poor students in struggling Los Angeles public schools who were eligible for tutoring got the help they were promised under the federal No Child Left Behind law, officials said Tuesday.
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SEIU and city reach tentative contract pact
Los Angeles city officials announced a tentative agreement Tuesday with about 10,000 of its lowest-paid workers who will get no raises this year and 6.25 percent hikes over the following three years.
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Alarcon: Hahn acted slowly
State Sen. Richard Alarcon, in his most aggressive step since entering the race for mayor of Los Angeles, attacked corruption at City Hall on Tuesday and accused Mayor James Hahn of reacting too slowly to deal with the scandal.
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Education campaign focuses on proper 911 usage
GLENDALE -- Don't call 911 unless there's a life-threatening emergency.
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Cooley wary on tax hike
Critics say they have spotted some serious flaws in the one-half percent sales tax proposal the Board of Supervisors will put on the November ballot at the urging of the sheriff and many city councils in Los Angeles County.
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From other sources:


From the LAPD
"In Custody Death Investigation"
Los Angeles: In response to several media requests for information, the Department is issuing the following about an incident that occured on January 17, 2004.
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EDITOR'S NOTE: Click below to find out how
to go to and sign up for the various online
newspapers and news sources listed:

LA Times

Daily News

