NEWS of the Day - September 10, 2004
on some LACP issues of interest


NEWS of the Day - September 10, 2004
on some issues of interest to the community policing and neighborhood activist

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following group of articles from local newspapers and other sources constitutes but a small percentage of the information available to the community policing and neighborhood activist public. It is by no means meant to cover every possible issue of interest, nor is it meant to convey any particular point of view ...

We present this simply as a convenience to our readership ...


From the LA Times:


2 Hahn Events Test Ethics Law
His commissioners were hosts of fundraisers that drew companies holding or seeking city contracts.
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Wal-Mart Superstores Find Their Niche
Faced with resistance in big cities, they first gain acceptance in areas like the Inland Empire.
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Costs Soar for LAX Safety
Price tag for security upgrades increases by $132 million, and work is far behind schedule. Evolving requirements, bureaucracy are cited.
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A Drill in Downtown Readiness
Lawn chairs and Game Boys turn Civic Center evacuation exercise into a blase affair.
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Domestic Violence Hotline Stays Connected
Five new languages are added, for a total of 11, in an ongoing effort to reach out to L.A. County residents needing shelter and safety.
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L.A. Unified Opens 8 New Schools
Though not all complete, they are among 17 scheduled to open this year to relieve crowding and reduce year-round schedules.
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State Backs School District Secession Bid
Panel OKs a local vote on a neighborhood's proposal to split from Centinela Valley.
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Mayor Announces Housing Proposal
Mayor James K. Hahn announced a plan Thursday intended to ease a shortage of affordable housing in Los Angeles.
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City Files Charges Against Landlords
City officials Thursday announced the filing of 99 criminal counts against five Wilshire district landlords accused of being slumlords.
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Gun Profits for Votes: It's Enough to Make You Sick
Dianne Feinstein, a Democratic U.S. senator from California, is the chief sponsor of the renewal of the assault weapons ban. This article is adapted from comments made Tuesday on the Senate floor.
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Assault Weapons Ban Was Useless Anyway
With the federal assault weapons ban sunsetting on Monday at midnight, the gun-control movement has a lot to fear, but not what most people think. Despite claims that letting the 10-year-old ban on some semiautomatic weapons expire will result in a surge in gun crimes and police killings, the fact is that letting the law expire will probably just show the uselessness of gun-control regulations. A year from now it will be obvious to everyone that all the horror stories about the ban - a cornerstone of the gun-control movement - were wrong.
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State Weapons Ban to Remain
Officials fear an influx of guns from neighbor states, but other groups say the federal change will have little effect.
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Assault Weapons Ban Ends Quietly
WASHINGTON - With a 10-year ban on assault weapons due to expire Monday, Congress is about to allow a remarkable reversal: once demonized semiautomatic weapons will again be sold to the public.
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From the Daily News:


Landfill cancer rate higher but disputed
A residential survey near the Sunshine Canyon Landfill revealed that residents in one nearby neighborhood had more than double the number of cancer cases of a comparable area, but county health officials on Thursday called the results statistically insignificant.
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Senator urges action to halt West Nile virus
A state lawmaker urged Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday to call a special session of the Legislature to consider more funding to fight the West Nile virus.
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City's red tape stymies school
WOODLAND HILLS -- Students at a new charter school spent Thursday on a field trip instead of in class because administrators couldn't get city clearance to move into the Warner Center building.
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Late review of Rapid buses could cost MTA $650,000
The MTA expects to spend as much as $650,000 to conduct the court-ordered review of Rapid buses as an alternative to the Orange Line, the 14-mile busway under construction in the San Fernando Valley, officials said Thursday.
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Crime fight in L.A. is political
Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn and Councilman Bernard Parks sparred for a third day Thursday over the mayor's approach to fighting crime, with Parks challenging him to justify his support for the LAPD's flexible workweek.
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6 shuttle buses ordered for airport
BURBANK -- Officials at Bob Hope Airport said Thursday that $1.2 million will be spent on six new diesel buses that will shuttle passengers between remote parking lots and the terminal.
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From other sources:


From Mayor Hahn
Mayor Hahn Projects Fourth Straight Year Of Increased Housing Production In Los Angeles
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Mayor Hahn Updates Guidelines To Solar Incentive Program And Reaffirms $150 Million Commitment
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Mayor Hahn, Fire Chief Bamattre Announce New Measures To Improve High Rise Evacuations
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Mayor Hahn Unveils First-Ever Literacy Report And Action Plan To Help Millions Of Low Literacy Residents In Region
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Mayor Hahn Announces New Housing Initiative At The Los Angeles Business Council's Third Annual Mayoral Housing Summit
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City Of Los Angels Conducts First Multi-Building Civic Center Evacuation
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From Attorney General Lockyer
Attorney General Lockyer Applauds Court Ruling That Opens Door to $2.8 Billion in Energy Refunds for California Ratepayers
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Attorney General Lockyer Denounces Demise of Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Lockyer Notes that California's Ban, First in the Country, Remains Firmly in Place
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Campaign Against Marijuana Planting Achieves Milestone for 2004 Eradication Season
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From Senator Boxer
Boxer and Feinstein Introduce Amendment to Help First Responders Communicate During Emergencies

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From Senator Feinstein
Boxer And Feinstein Call On Administration To Maintain Funds For Southern California Wildfire Protection
Senators express concern that local match requirement may be reinstated at end of fire season
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Senator Feinstein Calls for Energy Refunds After Ninth Circuit Ruling
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EDITOR'S NOTE: Click below to find out how
to go to and sign up for the various online
newspapers and news sources listed:

LA Times

Daily News

