NEWS of the Day - February 22, 2005
on some LACP issues of interest

NEWS of the Day - February 22, 2005
on some issues of interest to the community policing and neighborhood activist

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following group of articles from local newspapers and other sources constitutes but a small percentage of the information available to the community policing and neighborhood activist public. It is by no means meant to cover every possible issue of interest, nor is it meant to convey any particular point of view ...

We present this simply as a convenience to our readership ...


From the LA Times:


Driven by Events, Hahn Turns to a Familiar Bloc
The mayor seizes chance to reconnect with blacks, formerly his most loyal supporters.,0,1933794.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Unopposed, School Board Leader Still Raises Funds
L.A. Unified's Jose Huizar collects more than $330,000, much of it from the building trades.,1,5094462.story?coll=la-headlines-california

Rivals Keeping Big Stick at Hand
As the mayoral election nears, candidates urge a positive finale while readying their defenses.,1,1932693.story?coll=la-headlines-california

Property Damage? Know Your Policy
Are flooding and mudslides covered by most common homeowners insurance policies?,1,1115401.story?coll=la-headlines-california


From the Daily News:


Mayoral politics outrun storms
Neither rain, nor flooding, nor bad photo opportunities kept Mayor James Hahn and two of his mayoral challengers home Monday as they stepped up their fight for voters with just two weeks to go before the March 8 primary.,1413,200~20954~2725392,00.html

Repair firms inundated with requests for service
The unrelenting rain has created a soggy mess for home and business owners and left repair companies facing a big backlog of work Monday.,1413,200%257E20954%257E2725122,00.html

Department mourns city engineer Shaw
City workers on Monday mourned the tragic death of Rory Shaw, the Public Works Department's go-to emergency engineer who manned middle-of-the-night crises, like the one that led to his demise.,1413,200%257E20954%257E2725061,00.html

Miscikowski leaves lively council race
Last day for voters to register today refers to Tuesday, Feb. 22 MAYORAL ELECTION Today is the deadline to register to vote in the March 8 municipal elections. Races for mayor of Los Angeles and city council seats in Los Angeles, Calabasas and San Fernand,1413,200%257E20954%257E2724872,00.html

EDITOR'S NOTE: Click below to find out how
to go to and sign up for the various online
newspapers and news sources listed:

LA Times

Daily News

