Bill Murray .. a life unfolding
Comments from the Community


  Bill Murray ..
.. a life unfolding

Comments from the Community

Responses to "Commmunity Matters" radio talk shows which originally aired on October 12, 14 and 16, 2009

FROM: Bill Murray

Dearest LACP and "Community Matters" friends:

Here are a few of the many written comments I've received since Monday night's "Community Matters" talk radio show, during which I publically revealed my personal life story for the first time (which was part 1 of 3 episodes devoted to the topic).

I've also heard from many friends personally, or by phone ..

These overwhelmingly positive expressions of love and support, for which I will be eternally grateful, have been nothing short of amazing.

Yours in love and service,

Bill Murray

LA Community Policing founder
and host of "Community Matters"


Great program last night Bill, I can't wait to tune in Wednesday for part 2. I admire your courage to tell your amazing story. You took the worst thing that happened to you and turned it into the best thing that has happened to you. Keep up the good work, you are truly blessed.



Dear Bill,

I thank you for sharing all this. It is a lot for me to take in. Real revelation.

First of all, my thoughts are with you. You committed yourself to making sure your mother was loved and comfortable. I've been through that with a couple of grandmothers and, of course, my parents are next (though still strong), as I (and you) edge closer to the front row.

I cannot to know what it's like to live your childhood. I hear about pedophilia with all the Catholic news and occasional kidnappings. I don't know how anyone gets down a path like that.

I know you do not seek sympathy, and you do not want me to praise your courage. So be it. I will celebrate your freedom in being able to tell your story. Especially, I cherish that you put your trust in me to continue to be your friend, understanding you all the better. There has been no break, not even a nanosecond, in my lofty regard for you.



Excellent show. Please send me reminders when the next will be on and my sympathies on your mothers passing away.



Good morning, Bill,

I just wanted to tell you that I think you made a good decision to make your story public. I was amazed at all you have been thru and to know the person you are today is nothing short of a miracle.

I beleive it is thru God's grace and love you have turned out to be the man you are today. Things could have gone in an adverse direction, so God had is hand on you all along. Thank you, God!

I think this will be a positve thing by you sharing your story and maybe help others with similar problems. You are a good man and very important person to me.

Love to you always, Bill, take care, and God Bless you.



I heard you live on air, and I'm really sorry about these bad experiences of yours now that I know what you've been through. You'd told me about this before but I never had a way to listen to you.

I'm so sorry. Always remember i'll be at your back.

You're great! You did it, and i'm so proud of you! Good luck on your upcoming shows!


PS: You have very nice voice!


Hi Bill,

I didn't know until now that your mother had passed away. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy.

And bless your efforts now and in the future. Stay strong.

Your friend,



I am reminded .. it is better to be of service!

Congratulations on your great success and example you have set for all; including me!




I had no idea what motivated you but I must stand in admiration for your overcoming such a devastating experience in your young life.  You have won the battle for your soul, despite a few detours along the way, you did it.  And you should be amazed at yourself. 

Thank you for sharing some of the pain, I know it won't ever go away but know that you have many friends who were your friends before they knew your pain but in sharing it, I hope the burden is lessened.  My prayers go with you.  See you soon.



Hi Bill,

I was saddened to read of the loss of your mom.  You dedicated so much time and energy to her in the past few years.  She was a fortunate woman to have you as a son.

You are in our prayers.




I know it is extremely difficult, both emotionally and physically, to talk about your past. I was a child abuse investigator in Florida for nine years. One of my specialties was investigating pedophiles and child sexual abuse. As you know, the damage done is severe and generational.

Your recovery is a tribute to the person you are today. I can personally relate to the path you have walked and the trauma endured.

My prayers are with you. Keep up the great work. As you said, if you can help but one family (child) it was worth the effort.



Hi Bill:

I haven't been in touch w/ you for a long time but I so value your continued work in building community and doing what you can to create a safe society.  Our interactions during the neighborhood council process in [Los Angeles] are something that I treasure.  It's so wonderful to meet kindred spirits along this path.

I don't always read your updates...I'm in such a different direction right now but today I just looked at your email of this week.  I haven't had a chance yet to listen to the shows...but since I'm home today I might be able to catch the broadcast.

However, just from the details that you provided in the email, I just want to write and say hello and tell you, again, just how much I value who you are.

All the best,



Dear Bill:

So sorry to hear of your mother passing.  I am worried about my mother too.  She was in the hospital the other week.  Tuesday night my friend's mother died.  I was inspired at how she passed. She called up each of her 15 children and said goodbye.  She resolved things in the conversation.  After she spoke to all 15, she passed. 





It takes a lot of courage and personal inner strength to embark on what you are doing. Exposing ones personal trajedies to be scrutinized by the public at large is never easy, and my heart goes out to you.

I can only hope that those who do tune in to listen appreciate the personal sacrifice you are undertaking.

My prayers are with you on the passing of your mom. Hope we get you back here in LA soon.

Your freind and fellow community activist,



Excellent show! I'm really proud of you.



You're doing great on your talk shows. I can only imagine how hard its been and what you've been through all those years. I feel greatful for you, You've been able to overcome all those nightmares and look at you now! A successful and well respected man.

I'm so proud I've known you, and I treasure evrything about you.



Hey.... I'm listening to your first show from this past week.  OMG Bill.

I'm ex-Catholic. The church traumatized me for life, but nothing compared to your hell.  I hardly know what to say.... except "I love you, man."  


PS: I now work for Phoenix Houses of California.


Hi Bill,

I just read your email about the third broadcast, and had not known of the existence of LACP before that.

I congratulate you for having the guts to raise your "dirty laundry" to the public.

I thank you for your "service" attitude. 

God Bless.




I have known you through Boyle Heights for the last 20 years since my husband and I have owned our property. You have always been eloquent and very commending to our community. You have never been out of order nor insulting like some activist that claim to protect this community.

Keep up the good work for our police department.

Like my mother says today and tomorrow is what really counts. My mother had a very tough life as a little girl, but she never looks back and she could put people to shame.  She is today 83 years old and the best angle I have.

Life is beautiful and you will be rewarded. You do the same.



Hi Bill,

I just wanted to let you know how touched I was by your life's story. My heart broke for you as I listened to all the suffering you went through as a young boy. I cannot imagine as an 11 year old what that must've been like for you.

I am beyond proud of the way you "stepped up to the plate" to tell this amazing story. By speaking out about this sexual and emotional abuse, I have no doubt in my mind that this will definitely help countless young innocent people. You'll probably never know how many lives you will be saving from this happening to them by your frank discussion on this horrific topic.

I'm very happy, and proud, to be your cousin.




PS: I will ask Him to continue to heal you and to give me some of your strength. I love your sense of humor, and you will not get hit by a truck. Your work has to continue. You are doing so much good in this world and you're not going anywhere for a while. :)


I'd like to let you know how I was touched by your personal story, your courage in being willing to share such devastating events and the honor with which you shared it. And with your hopes for it to help others.



I spent some time with Aunt Jo yesterday and she told me that you were speaking out about your past. I'm proud of your courage, and your sharing in order to help others. You are a survivor!




I lisened to the first night and was proud of you as well.  I am sure it could not have been easy for you to speak so openly but yet you did in order to help others.  That is a wonderful thing for you to bring awareness by sharing your story. 

I am so sorry that you had that happen to you but I am truly impressed with your courage and dedication to awareness.



Whew! Another page of your life passed by, and this time I'm wishing not only for better but the best of all. You deserve it!




I've listen to I think night #2 and, Bill, I can't express what I feel for what you lived.  I've always respected you and Jane. I wish i could have helped back when. You are in my thoughts.

And, Bill, go for what ever will make it better. If you need a freind or family just call. Here for you always....




I opened my Bible this morning and this is the passage in front of me. I think the message is for you:

Ecclesiasticus 4:20-23 Take circumstances into account and beware of evil, and have no cause to be ashamed of yourself; for there is a shame ... that leads to sin and a shame thta is honourable and gracious. Do not be too sever on yourself, do not let shame lead you to ruin. Do not refrain from speaking when it will do good, and do not hide your wisdom; for your wisdom is made know by what you say.

You continue to be in my prayers.




Hi Bill,

I just listened to one of your radio shows. I am sorry you had not only to experience this but  also had to keep it to yourself for so long.


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EDITOR'S NOTE: Here are a couple pertinent things I also recieved following the original October 12, 2009, "Community Matters" show:

Spititually Speaking ..

Children do not know how their parents love them, and they never will till the grave closes over those parents, or till they have children of their own.
--Edmund Vance Cooks

As adults, we may feel we were cheated out of a "normal" childhood because of our parents' emotional, physical, or spiritual failings. We may think they should never be forgiven for their actions or inactions when we were young.

Yet imagine what our lives would be like today if we did not forgive. We would be bitter, stomping angrily through life with a clipboard in hand, ready to write down the name of the next person who crosses us. It's time to throw away the clipboard and the names on it - including the names of our parents.

We do not have to like our parents, but we can love them. By the same token, we need to realize our parents love us in their special way. They aren't perfect - and neither are we.

Help me remember my parents did the best they could with what they had. That's all anyone can really do.


Thoughts from a friend (be sure to read the last line)

A man was exploring caves by the seashore.  In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls.  It was like someone had rolled clay balls and left them out in the sun to bake.They didn't look like much, but they intrigued the man, so he took the bag out of the cave with him.  As he strolled along the beach, he would throw the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean as far as he could.  

He thought little about it, until he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open on a rock .  Inside was a beautiful, precious stone!

Excited, the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls.  Each contained a similar treasure.  He found thousands of dollars worth of jewels in the 20 or so clay balls he had left.  

Then it struck him. He had been on the beach a long time. He had thrown maybe 50 or 60 of the clay balls with their hidden treasure into the ocean waves. Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens of housands, but he had just thrown it away!  

It's like that with people.  We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, and we see the external clay vessel It doesn't look like much from the outside. It isn't always beautiful or sparkling, so we discount it..  

We see that person as less important than someone more beautiful or stylish or well known or wealthy.  But we have not taken the time to find the treasure hidden inside that person.  
There is a treasure in each and every one of us.  If we take the time to get to know that person, and if we ask God to show us that person the way He sees them, then the clay begins to peel away and the brilliant gem begins to shine forth.
May we not come to the end of our lives and find out that we have thrown away a fortune in friendships because the gems were hidden in bits of clay. May we see the people in our world as God sees them.  
I am so blessed by the gems of friendship I have with you. Thank you for looking beyond my clay vessel.
Appreciate every single thing you have, especially your friends. Life is too short and friends are too few!
Pass this on to another Clay Ball !!!

Do not ask your One to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to MOVE your feet!
