Virginia Gov. McDonnell gives Republican Party
Response to State of the Union

January 27, 2010


VA Governor McDonnell preps to give Republican Response
which was delivered immediately following the President's State
of the Union Address from the VA House of Delegate chamber
in front of an enthusiastic live audience, January 27, 2010.
  Virginia Gov. McDonnell gives Republican Party
Response to State of the Union

January 27, 2010

by Anita Kumar

Washington Post

Thursday, January 28, 2010

To see a video version of the Republican Response CLICK HERE (runs 12:41)

The text of the speech is available here, too. (see below)

RICHMOND -- Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell called for a smaller, less intrusive federal government and an end to Democratic health-care reform in the Republican response to the State of the Union.

In a presentation that mimicked many of the trappings of President Obama 's address, McDonnell delivered his speech in front of a packed audience of about 250 family members, friends and donors in the state's historic Capitol.

McDonnell walked down the aisle shaking hands as he entered the House of Delegates chamber, much as Obama did in the nation's Capitol. He was flanked by Cabinet members and some of his leading supporters, who punctuated his remarks with repeated and enthusiastic applause.

And special guests were on hand -- a pair of local schoolchildren and a state police helicopter pilot who was shot at during a manhunt for a mass killer last week in Appomattox.

The theatrics were a clear departure from other recent rebuttals, which have generally been delivered alone in subdued settings. Last year, in response to Obama's address to a joint session of Congress, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) was widely criticized for delivering a flat speech from an empty room in his governor's mansion, a backdrop that did not seem to flatter him.

The congressional staffers and McDonnell advisers who organized this year's response -- which cost about $30,000 and was paid for by the Republican Governors Association and the political action committees of McDonnell and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) -- sought a more commanding and friendly venue.

"I'm never going to match the ambience of the halls of Congress and the president of the United States, the leader of the free world," McDonnell told reporters earlier Wednesday. "I thought it would be a nice venue to invite a fair number of people so that they could hear the speech, to have a better backdrop than just a talking head on camera."

National Republicans chose McDonnell to deliver their response because of the way he campaigned and has governed so far: as a problem-solver who could appeal to Democrats and independents by talking about jobs and the economy.

In his speech, McDonnell echoed many of those themes, laying out a Republican vision for creating jobs, expanding energy opportunities and defining the role of government. McDonnell cited an expanding federal government for threatening the nation's ability to create jobs as well as "our very liberty and prosperity."

"The circumstances of our time demand that we reconsider and restore the proper, limited role of government at every level," he said to loud applause in an echo of remarks he made at his inauguration two weeks ago.

McDonnell said Republicans shared Democrats' desire for health-care reform but not their solutions. He said the Republican version of reform would allow families and businesses to buy insurance policies across state lines -- a provision included in Democratic efforts -- and end frivolous lawsuits against doctors and hospitals.

McDonnell has long praised Obama for his support of charter schools, and he did so again Wednesday night. He also applauded the president's decision to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, although he said that Republicans are concerned about recent steps the government has taken regarding terrorism suspects.

While Republicans in Richmond reveled in the moment, Democrats continued to criticize McDonnell for giving the speech while failing to provide more guidance on how to close the multibillion-dollar budget shortfall that Virginia faces.

"He's going to give a response having been in office for two weeks, on a country that goes from sea to shining sea," said Sen. A. Donald McEachin (D-Richmond). "He's going to be talking about a budget that has a nearly trillion-dollar deficit. He's going to be talking about, potentially, wars in foreign countries. He's had enough time to be able to talk to us about the State of the Union. But he hasn't had enough time to talk to tell me and the 9th Senatorial District or my colleagues on this floor about $4 billion in cuts?"

House Minority Leader Ward L. Armstrong (D-Henry) said he was invited to attend the speech late in the day through a personal call from McDonnell. "It may be a little late, but I'm not offended," Armstrong said.

McDonnell was the third Virginian to deliver the response to the State of the Union in the past five years. Former governor Timothy M. Kaine (D) gave it in 2006, just after he took office, and U.S. Sen. James Webb (D) delivered it in 2007.

Republican Address to the Nation

Republican VA Governor Bob McDonnell

Good evening. I'm Bob McDonnell. Eleven days ago I was honored to be sworn in as the 71st governor of Virginia.

I'm standing in the historic House Chamber of Virginia's Capitol, a building designed by Virginia's second governor, Thomas Jefferson.

It's not easy to follow the President of the United States. And my twin 18-year old boys have added to the pressure, by giving me exactly ten minutes to finish before they leave to go watch SportsCenter.

I'm joined by fellow Virginians to share a Republican perspective on how to best address the challenges facing our nation today.

We were encouraged to hear President Obama speak this evening about the need to create jobs.

All Americans should have the opportunity to find and keep meaningful work, and the dignity that comes with it.

Many of us here, and many of you watching, have family or friends who have lost their jobs.

1 in 10 American workers is unemployed. That is unacceptable.

Here in Virginia we have faced our highest unemployment rate in more than 25 years, and bringing new jobs and more opportunities to our citizens is the top priority of my administration.

Good government policy should spur economic growth, and strengthen the private sector's ability to create new jobs.

We must enact policies that promote entrepreneurship and innovation, so America can better compete with the world.

What government should not do is pile on more taxation, regulation, and litigation that kill jobs and hurt the middle class.

It was Thomas Jefferson who called for "A wise and frugal Government which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry ….and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned…" He was right.

Today, the federal government is simply trying to do too much.

Last year, we were told that massive new federal spending would create more jobs 'immediately' and hold unemployment below 8%.

In the past year, over three million Americans have lost their jobs, yet the Democratic Congress continues deficit spending, adding to the bureaucracy, and increasing the national debt on our children and grandchildren.

The amount of this debt is on pace to double in five years, and triple in ten. The federal debt is already over $100,000 per household.

This is simply unsustainable. The President's partial freeze on discretionary spending is a laudable step, but a small one.

The circumstances of our time demand that we reconsider and restore the proper, limited role of government at every level.

Without reform, the excessive growth of government threatens our very liberty and prosperity.

In recent months, the American people have made clear that they want government leaders to listen and act on the issues most important to them.

We want results, not rhetoric. We want cooperation, not partisanship.

There is much common ground.

All Americans agree, we need a health care system that is affordable, accessible, and high quality.

But most Americans do not want to turn over the best medical care system in the world to the federal government.

Republicans in Congress have offered legislation to reform healthcare, without shifting Medicaid costs to the states, without cutting Medicare, and without raising your taxes.

We will do that by implementing common sense reforms, like letting families and businesses buy health insurance policies across state lines, and ending frivolous lawsuits against doctors and hospitals that drive up the cost of your healthcare.

And our solutions aren't thousand-page bills that no one has fully read, after being crafted behind closed doors with special interests.

In fact, many of our proposals are available online at, and we welcome your ideas on Facebook and Twitter.

All Americans agree, this nation must become more energy independent and secure.

We are blessed here in America with vast natural resources, and we must use them all.

Advances in technology can unleash more natural gas, nuclear, wind, coal, and alternative energy to lower your utility bills.

Here in Virginia, we have the opportunity to be the first state on the East Coast to explore for and produce oil and natural gas offshore.

But this Administration's policies are delaying offshore production, hindering nuclear energy expansion, and seeking to impose job-killing cap and trade energy taxes.

Now is the time to adopt innovative energy policies that create jobs and lower energy prices.

All Americans agree, that a young person needs a world-class education to compete in the global economy. As a kid my dad told me, "Son, to get a good job, you need a good education." That's even more true today.

The President and I agree on expanding the number of high-quality charter schools, and rewarding teachers for excellent performance. More school choices for parents and students mean more accountability and greater achievement.

A child's educational opportunity should be determined by her intellect and work ethic, not by her zip code.

All Americans agree, we must maintain a strong national defense. The courage and success of our Armed Forces is allowing us to draw down troop levels in Iraq as that government is increasingly able to step up. My oldest daughter, Jeanine, was an Army platoon leader in Iraq, so I'm personally grateful for the service and the sacrifice of all of our men and women in uniform, and a grateful nation thanks them.

We applaud President Obama's decision to deploy 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. We agree that victory there is a national security imperative. But we have serious concerns over recent steps the Administration has taken regarding suspected terrorists.

Americans were shocked on Christmas Day to learn of the attempted bombing of a flight to Detroit. This foreign terror suspect was given the same legal rights as a U.S. citizen, and immediately stopped providing critical intelligence.

As Senator-elect Scott Brown says, we should be spending taxpayer dollars to defeat terrorists, not to protect them.

Here at home government must help foster a society in which all our people can use their God-given talents in liberty to pursue the American Dream. Republicans know that government cannot guarantee individual outcomes, but we strongly believe that it must guarantee equality of opportunity for all.

That opportunity exists best in a democracy which promotes free enterprise, economic growth, strong families, and individual achievement.

Many Americans are concerned about this Administration's efforts to exert greater control over car companies, banks, energy and health care.

Over-regulating employers won't create more employment; overtaxing investors won't foster more investment.

Top-down one-size fits all decision making should not replace the personal choices of free people in a free market, nor undermine the proper role of state and local governments in our system of federalism. As our Founders clearly stated, and we Governors understand, government closest to the people governs best.

And no government program can replace the actions of caring Americans freely choosing to help one another. The Scriptures say "To whom much is given, much will be required." As the most generous and prosperous nation on Earth, it is heartwarming to see Americans giving much time and money to the people of Haiti. Thank you for your ongoing compassion.

Some people are afraid that America is no longer the great land of promise that she has always been. They should not be.

America will always blaze the trail of opportunity and prosperity.

America must always be a land where liberty and property are valued and respected, and innocent human life is protected.

Government should have this clear goal: Where opportunity is absent, we must create it. Where opportunity is limited, we must expand it. Where opportunity is unequal, we must make it open to everyone.

Our Founders pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to create this nation.

Now, we should pledge as Democrats, Republicans and Independents--Americans all---to work together to leave this nation a better place than we found it.

God Bless you, and God Bless our great nation.