1. Former Interior Minister Jean-Pierre
Chevènement, address to the Mayors’ Association, City of Belfort, Nov. 1, 2005;
2. Etude le la Cour des Compte, 2003, Ch. 2, « La Situation des Immigrants et des Populations issues de l’immigration », pp. 18-26.
3. Dominique Vidal in Le Monde Diplomatique, December 2005.
4. www.ville.gouv.fr/index.htm
5. La Préfecture de Police au service des Parisiens, “Les avancées de la police de proximité », at www.prefecture-police-paris.interieur.gouv.fr
6. www.mrc-france.org/imprime.1120
7. Magazine of the New Republican Party, “Crise des banlieues et refondation républicaine”, Nov. 3, 2005.
8. BBC News Europe, “French Police Take the Strain”, Jan. 17, 2006.
9. Jones, Arthur A., and Robin Wiseman, Moдeльt “Пoлицияta в Близoct дo Oбщectвoto” в Eврoпa: ctpуktypи и дoбpи пpaktиkи, “Community Policing in Europe: Structure and Best Practices”, Brief Abstract No. 1, for OSI, Department of Justice, Republic of Bulgaria, Sept. 6, 2005.
10. Interview of Jean-Pierre Chevènement in Politis Magazine, by Denis Sieffert, December Issue, 2005.
11. Memorandum of November 24, 2005, from Swedish Riksdag to Article 36 Committee, EU Council of Ministers, cited by former Swedish Assistant Utrikesminister (Foreign Minister) Mats Engström, November 28, 2005, at www.openDemocracy.net
12. Jamestown Foundation, Terrorism Focus, Vol. II, Issue 20, Oct. 31, 2005, “Can Al-Qaeda Endure Beyond bin Laden?” by an expert team led by Michael Scheuer, ex-CIA Anti-bin Laden Director, now author and writer. |