Policing in Europe
An overview of practices, approaches and innovations in six leading
- France - Germany - Switzerland - Great Britain - Sweden
good friend Dr. Arthur Jones and his partner Dr. Robin Wiseman are
frequent contributors to the LACP website
(see also "The
Think Tank").
Together they have conducted
an extensive 12 nation comparative study of the benefits of Community
Policing, including over 20 police departments in the United States.
email to: Arthur@lacp.org
(Please see Dr. Jones / Dr. Wiseman Curriculum
We asked them if
they'd help us present a view of what Community Policing looks and
feels like elsewhere.
article on Italy is the first in a series of six reports describing
how community policing is practiced in Europe. Others will
follow promptly.
Community Policing in Europe has progressed dramatically during
the past five years. The applied philosophy has become more widespread
geographically, and the number of innovative, specialized Community
Policing projects has increased significantly.
Policing and crime prevention practices vary somewhat from country
to country in Europe as a function of culture, language, political
and governmental structure, and policing history and heritage. Despite
those obvious differences, however, a number of similarities or
commonalities emerge, as national and regional police forces increasingly
exchange studies and experience with one another in the quest for
better public safety. These are a few of them:
cooperation, for example with social workers, psychiatric clinicians,
mediators, and crime prevention experts, often features more
prominently in European Community Policing than is usually the
case in the U.S. |
police labor unions are frequently the most enthusiastic and
innovative leaders and advocates of Community Policing |
present trend is toward more standardization of programs and
procedures nationwide in most European countries |
Policing enjoys the vocal support of political parties both
left and right of center |
Community Policing tends generally to document or evaluate its
effectiveness more thoroughly and uniformly than is the case
in the U.S. as a whole |
frequently enact detailed regional and national legislation
as the basis of Community Policing, as opposed to the general
American usage of executive-branch action or separate police
department policy decisions |
than their U.S. counterparts, European police departments have
found it necessary to reduce or counteract the traditional aloofness
and anonymity of police officers as a paramilitary force |
Union countries have taken the leadership in mobilizing Community
Policing resources in an integrated, international war on terrorism |
The following summaries are intended only as convenient highlights
to introduce readers to the Community Policing environment and current
best practices in six selected European countries. Lengthier and
more technical studies on each country are available from the authors.
here for:
--- Arthur A. Jones and Robin Wiseman are international human rights
lawyers with legal educations in the United States and Europe. They
are consultants and authors on international policing, social policy
and human rights.
additional information or a complete list of references, contact: