of the Inspector General - HOTLINE
The LAPD Police Commission's Office of the Inspector General
has a toll free HOTLINE through which you can either compliment,
or complain about, the LAPD. |
You should feel free to call this number to commend a member of
the Department or report misconduct about an LAPD employee (officer
or civilian).
( to commend or complain )
888 / 846-6066
Complaints will be kept confidential to the maximum extent permitted
by law, but compliments and commendations work their way down through
the Command structure, making all superior officers aware of your
satisfaction until they become a permanent part of the officer's
So it's not only an easy way to complain, but an easy way to
say "Thank you ..." and one which an officer is sure to
There are several other ways to do the same thing:
First, the OIG has a fax number you can use ... 213 / 482-1247 (fax)
Or you can chose to write a letter to:
Office of the Inspector General
201 North Figueroa St., Suite 610
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Then, at each of the 18 Division Community Police Station front
desks you should find two separate forms ... one called "Complaint
of Employee Misconduct" and the other "Employee Commendation"
... which you can obtain just for the asking.
You can also communicate your experience verbally to any "Watch
Commander" or Department supervisor, or any Commanding Officer
at any time ... even through one who does not work at the same police
station as the officer or emplyee to whom you're referring.
Finally, you can do the same thing, compliment or complain, right
here online.
Just click below to visit the website of the LA Police Commission's
OIG. Then you can select either "COMMENDATIONS" or "COMPLAINTS"
and fill out the appropriate form:
now there's no excuse. Anyone who wishes to can easily use
any of these tools to communicate how LAPD, its officers and employees
are performing.