Neighborhood Prosecutors
... now in your neighborhood !!!

Neighborhood Prosecutor Program
Rockard J. Delgadillo
Los Angeles City Attorney

The following is a list the 18 local prosecutors, one for each LAPD Division, along with their direct phone number, if available. Otherwise the Community Relations Office phone numbers are given.

The CRO Officers at each Division should be able to give you the direct number for your local Neighborhood Prosecutor:


.....NAME .....PHONE
Valley Bureau
~~ Devonshire
~~ Foothill
~~ N. Hollywood
~~ Van Nuys
~~ West Valley
.... for Valley Bureau Prosecutor info *
A.P. Diaz (Spanish)
Deborah Breithaupt
Martha Gutierrez
Liora Forman-Ecols & Tamar Galatzan
Michael Pizzuti
818 / 756-9605
818 / 709-7304
818 / 709-7304
818 / 756-9605
818 / 756-9605
818 / 709-7304
West Bureau
~~ Hollywood
~~ Pacific
~~ W. LA
~~ Wilshire
.... for West Bureau Prosecutor info *
Bill Kysella (basic Spanish)
Gita Isagholian
Susan Strick
Kim Willis
310 / 575-8743
213 / 485-4310
310 / 847-2890
310 / 575-8431
213 / 473-0200
Central Bureau
~~ Central
~~ Hollenbeck
~~ Newton
~~ Northeast
~~ Rampart
.... for Central Bureau Prosecutor info **
Dena Sohn
Rita Venegas (Spanish)
Anne Tremblay
Jeanne Kim (Korean)
Arturo Martinez
213 / 847-8045
213 / 485-6586
323 / 526-3182
213 / 847-8045
213 / 847-8045
213 / 368-7516
South Bureau
~~ 77th Street
~~ Harbor
~~ Southeast
~~ Southwest
.... for South Bureau Prosecutor info **
Sharee Sanders
Justin Houterman
Kevin Gilligan (Spanish)
Stacy Anthony
323 / 789-2701
213 / 485-8512
310 / 548-7600
213 / 847-3108
213 / 847-5800

* designated as the Valley and West Bureau coordinator
Jose Egurbide
(Spanish) 310 / 575-8743

** designated as the Central and South Bureau coordinator
Kevin Gilligan (Spanish) 213 / 847-3108

Local Prosecutors
Neighborhood Prosecutor Program)

The LA City Attorney, Rockard (Rocky) Delgadillo, has come up with an exciting plan.

He's placed some of his staff out in the neighborhoods, hoping their local presence will succeed in a closer partnership with the communities.

The Neighborhood Prosecutor Program consists of 18 local prosecutors, one for each LAPD Divisions. In addition, nine paralegals and nine legal secretaries will provide support services.

Staff members are located in assigned geographic areas, many of them in LAPD stations. Others are located close by in City Attorney Branch offices, Constituent Service Centers or other neighborhood facilities.

The goal of the Neighborhood Prosecutor Program is to improve the quality of life in the many diverse communities of Los Angeles by offering a proactive approach to resolving problems. The local prosecutor will establish working partnerships with law enforcement and the community.

The program is designed to prioritize and address quality of life crimes involving social disorder and physical decay, ranging from loitering, trespassing, urinating in public, loud noise, acts of vandalism, street prostitution, and drug activity, to illegal dumping, graffiti, code violations and visual blight.

The duties of the Neighborhood Prosecutors may include the following:

Vertical prosecution of quality of life crimes prioritized by the community and law enforcement

Working directly with the community, the City Council, and law enforcement to focus resources on problem offenders and problem offenders

Active participation in community meetings, to identify and prioritize neighborhood problems

Operating as a prosecutorial liaison between the community and the Criminal Branch of the City Attorney's Office

Serving as a prosecutorial resource to police officers

Operating as a liaison between the community, law enforcement and other city agencies to coordinate non-prosecutorial responses to identified criminal problems

Developing and implementing creative strategies and responses to deter crime

We congratulate and thank City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo for instituting the Neighborhood Prosecutor Program, and believe the local prosecutors may well have a big impact on improving the quality of life!