Los Angeles Citywide Alliance
of Neighborhood Councils


Forum - Saturday, November 16th

  Well over a hundred people gathered from all
corners of the City for the most recent forum
of the Alliance of Neighborhood Councils.

website address:

It was standing-room-only in the Faculty Center at Los Angeles City College on Vermont, and one would imagine a bigger venue will be sought for next time.

The forums, held every few months, have become an important part of the process of sharing information about the emerging Neighborhood Councils, DONE and BONC.

Stakeholders from Certified Neighborhood Councils, some with elected Boards, mingle easily with those who represent groups still in the process of being formed at these forums, which are quickly becoming not-to-be-missed events.

The purpose of the Alliance is to:

open lines of communication between Neighborhood Councils all across to the City to share information and experiences;
to make available information regarding the legal framework, responsibilities, and possibilities to each and every Neighborhood Council, either in formation or Certified;
and to interface with the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment on common issues which impact the Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils.

The day started out at 9:30 a.m. with a welcome and introductions by Mark Seigel, who performed amiably as the forum's moderator, and proceeded to steer a lively discussion on the open mike. Topics included the relationship between the Alliance and the City, changing the Ethics Laws, and how to prioritizing the communities' needs.

But the paramount questions on everyone's mind were those related to funding. Time and again Mr. Seigal, or Greg Nelson, General Manger of the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE), Dennis Zine, Councilman from City Council District 3 (CD-3), and a Deputy to Laura Chick, the City Controller, were asked variations on the same topic: "Where's the Money?"

There seems to be confusion about this ... but everyone says it's been allocated and will be arriving to Certified Councils who have Elected Boards and a Treasurer in place "soon" ... an answer that did not seem too satisfactory to some.

Mr. Nelson, for his part, said he's doing all he can, but as the Department's General Manager is not responsible for dispensing (or allocating) funds. His role is to advise.

Councilman Zine, who appeared as the Keynote Speaker, told the group that the City Council has approved the money. He's not sure where the "logjam" is but he'll look into it. Pending opinions from the City Attorney may be the cause ...

The Controller's Deputy assured the attendees that Ms. Chick's office is devising a method of disbursement that will require as little paperwork as possible, since the Neighborhood Councils are already part of the City system once they reach the step of having been approved by the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (BONC).

Frustrated stakeholders asked if a small amount ($1,000 was mentioned) might be released against future disbursements to those Neighborhood Councils which had been Certified. It was pointed out that the process of getting through an Election was time consuming and costly. The money could help ease the burden.

Councilman Zine committed to making this a motion at City Council ...

A highlight of the morning was an impressive presentation given by Andrew Adelman, General Manager of the Department of Building and Safety. Without question he left the impression that he'd made significant strides running his Department as if it were a for-profit business.

Mr. Adelman brought a significant package of useful information for the attendees, and asked they let everyone know there's now a one-stop phone number for anything relating to Building and Safety:

1 / 888 / LA 4 BUILD

He promised quick service, and said he and his Regional Managers regularly check how things are being done at the Department, by way of maintaining a very high quality control. He holds all his employees accountable.

In fact, he invites the public to call him personally ...

Following Mr. Adelman, lunch was served, and stakeholders from all over the City lingered for informal discussions with each other of the future of Neighborhood Councils.

Alliance organization:

The Alliance is a work in progress, as are the neighborhood councils it is intended to facilitate and support. The Alliance has grown out of a partnership bringing the work of Richard MacMinn and Mark Seigel together with the long standing efforts of Noah Modisett and Bill Christopher, who serves as the President of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (BONC).

The Alliance is presently lead by a Steering Committee made up of Mark Seigel of Los Feliz, Richard MacMinn of Hollywood, Noah Modisett of San Pedro, Joy Chen representing Downtown, Xandra Kayden, Tisha Bedrosian of Venice, Ross Hopkins, former Chair of the United Chambers of the San Fernando Valley, and Luiz Quirarte of Northeast LA.


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