DONE Newsletter
from the desk of Greg Nelson


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment

April 30, 2003

  Neighborhood Council Leaders
  Greg Nelson, General Manager, DONE

Re: NC Staffing Available, ITA Contact, Ethics Newsletter, City Budget Available Online


Neighborhood Councils now have a way to hire staff.

DONE has established a special program with PDQ Personnel Services, Inc., a nationally recognized temporary help agency. If you need help, such as for creating and maintaining your mailing lists and databases, organizing meetings, generating minutes, posting notices, gathering information, setting up and managing your books, maintaining records, simply call PDQ.

You can get help from carefully screened, qualified temporary workers at a discount rate that the City negotiated with PDQ. And to reduce paperwork, you can use your Stored Value Card to pay for them!

There are four basic temporary worker positions available:

a.. Office Clerk ($14.50 per hour)
b.. Administrative Staff Support ($18.85 per hour)
c.. Accounting Clerk ($17.40 per hour)
d.. Accountant ($36.25 per hour)

Please keep in mind that these rates include employee benefits and related costs such as payroll taxes, Workers Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, State Disability Insurance, and the City's Living Wage, as well as costs for PDQ associated with timekeeping, payroll, training and supervision.

If there is someone special in your community who you feel meets your needs and can qualify for one of these positions, simply have them contact PDQ. They will screen them for the necessary skills, and if qualified, PDQ will enroll them and assign them to your Neighborhood Council. PDQ will handle all the paperwork, and ensure compliance with City, State and federal employment requirements.

PDQ is prepared make it easy for multiple Neighborhood Councils to share a person.

Once you receive your Stored Value Card, all you need to do to get temporary help is call:

PDQ Personnel Services, Inc.

Frankie Fields or Jose Mata

800 / 404-0400

DONE and the City will continue to develop alternative ways for the Neighborhood Councils to hire staff.


Add Roger Fernandez to your list of the people from departments to whom Neighborhood Councils can address questions. He is with the Information Technology Agency, and you probably saw him at the last Congress of Neighborhoods.

His phone number is 213 / 473-6273 and his e-mail is


The City Ethics Commission posts its quarterly newsletter on its Web site at


The Mayor's proposed budget for the 2003-04 fiscal year can be found at

This is not light reading. For most, the Budget Summary is enough. For those who can't sleep at night, the Web site includes the entire proposed budget, the Detail of Department Programs, the Detail of Positions …., the Revenue Outlook, and other supporting information. Call me when you've read it all. The proposed budget is currently in the Budget and Finance Committee, and might in the City Council on May 19.

Greg Nelson

213 / 485-1360
866 / LA HELPS toll-free
213 / 485-4608 fax email