DONE Newsletter
from the desk of Greg Nelson


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
Newsletter 8/19/02

August 19, 2002

  Neighborhood Council Leaders
  Greg Nelson, General Manager, DONE

There has been so much happening, and there is so much information to share, that we're just going to send it out in bunches so we don't overload anyone's e-mail in-box.


Our Web site at has been redesigned to make it easier to use, and to create room for the mountains of new information that will be included on it. We're making refinements as we view the site from other monitors and with other Internet browsers.

Since a week or so ago, we've been adding information from the old Web site, and adding brand new information. Within a few short weeks, I expect that this will be the preeminent neighborhood empowerment Web site in the nation.

As new information is added, we'll send notices via e-mail to those on our list.


Much more on this to come. The event was an overwhelming success. The day before we told the hotel to plan for 650 lunches. We served 890 lunches. We recorded every workshop, and those are being transcribed and will be made available to the public through e-mail, print, and our Web site.


Certified Neighborhood Councils have asked if it's possible for them to use the City Seal. The answer is yes with some restrictions.

However, it is my recommendation that each NC develop its own logo, identity, and credibility. One of our goals is the have the NCs operate as independently as possible from City Hall. Credibility has to be earned. A seal doesn't do it. And that credibility is much more effective when it has been earned.

The City Attorney has advised that I have the ability to grant permission to the Neighborhood Councils to use the City Seal. Therefore, it will be permissible for NCs to use the City Seal on documents that reflect their official actions as an NC. The City Seal should only be used on documents that are produced as an official action of the Neighborhood Council. The documents should also clearly include the name of the NC on the document so that there is no confusion as to what organization is issuing the document. This includes letterhead where issuance of the letter is authorized by the NC and agendas, public information documents, announcements authorized by the NC.

Non-document items would include coffee mugs, pens, t-shirts. In those cases, just contact me first.

The City trusts that a member of an NC will not use the City Seal on documents that only represent the opinion or position of that individual, and that the language will not be offensive to a protected group.


The program that will provide up to $50,000 a year to each Neighborhood Council is moving through the system without trouble. It was approved by the Mayor in one day. It was approved on July 25 by the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners, and a week later by the City Council's Education and Neighborhoods Committee. All were unanimous votes. Next it goes to the Budget and Finance Committee. It will also have to go the Personnel Committee, but we're working on ways to speed up the process. The plan is a very simple one. To make it simple, a brand new system had to be developed just for the Neighborhood Councils. Believe me when I tell you that you wouldn't want to be part of the system that city departments have to go through.

Like the use of the City Seal, the City will be trusting that the Neighborhood Councils will spend the taxpayers' money properly. The plan is designed to ensure that the Neighborhood Councils get the money they need when they need it. The plan also removes the old restriction that the money could only be used for neighborhood improvement projects. If the plan is passed as it is written, Neighborhood Councils will be able to use the money for projects or operating expenses. The application forms have been drafted and are about ready to go. The money is in the city's budget, and will be transferred to DONE as soon as the plan is approved by the City Council.

In the next day or two, the entire proposal will be sent to you. It will also include the committee date, and information on how to contact the City Council members so you can tell them your feelings. So people's e-mail in-boxes have capacity and attachment issues, so I don't want to overload your system.

I want to thank all of you who provided the valuable information that was needed to prepare this plan, and to establish precedents in the process.


The contact list for certified and developing Neighborhood Councils is on our Web site. What's missing is a mailing address for most of the NCs. There are departments that want to send you things by mail. Please send those addresses to me. Feel free to use one of our offices as your address if you wish. Contact your Project Coordinator.


Each certified NC should have an official e-mail address that they can use to send their official positions to the City Clerk and other places, and so they can make requests for funds. There are many ways to get free e-mail addresses, and a list of those will be sent very shortly. Let me know when you have your official address. As with the City Seal, the City will trust that the address is used just for official NC business. If an individual misuses the address for their own purposes, problems could ensue.


One of the most exciting sections of our new Web site will be a place to list Best Practices. In this spot, we will list great ideas that other NCs and people have to share. Outreach techniques, Web site design, information gathering, running meetings, free media, etc. Be thinking about what you have to share with the world, and we'll be contacting you soon.


As you may have noticed by now, DONE has a toll-free telephone number that works from anywhere inside the city. (866) LA HELPS.

Greg Nelson

213 / 485-1360
866 / LA HELPS toll-free
213 / 485-4608 fax email