Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
November 7, 2002
School Board Motion, Best Practices, Doing Business.
The motion that was submitted by David Tokofsky and Marlene Canter,
instructing the Superintendent to report on ways that the School
District can better serve the Neighborhood Councils (sent to you
in an earlier e-mail) has had a date change. It was originally scheduled
to be heard at 3:30 p.m. on November 12. People can still come and
speak on that day, but it would best to hold off until November
26. 3rd and Beaudry downtown. I’ll be there. Parking nearby at 333
S. Boylston St. You can contact Diana Neskovka in David Tokofsky’s
office at Diana.neskovska@lausd.net.
We’ve created a spot on our Web site at www.lacityneighborhoods.com
just for best practices. This will be a place where you can go and
find out about some of the best ways to conduct elections, create
logos and newsletters, conduct outreach, etc. If there is something
that you’re especially proud of, send it to us and we’ll include
it on the Web site and ensure that world knows about the good work
you’re doing.
As mentioned before, we’re starting to run across some problems
involving Neighborhood Councils that have been certified, but haven’t
had their elections. In nearly every case, the bylaws don’t permit
the organizing committee or interim board to do anything but plan
the election. Some are trying to request projects and services from
the City, and make it appear that it’s an official action of the
Neighborhood Council. This will only damage the credibility of the
City departments are concerned, and it’s a legitimate concern, that
the requests are not the result of a vote by an elected board, but
rather the wishes of an individual who hasn’t been elected by anyone.
The departments are anxious to serve, but they want to ensure that
they’re acting on requests that come from the representatives of
the neighborhood.
I had mentioned before that we have designed a system through which
official NC positions and requests can be communicated to the City
via e-mail using an official e-mail address that’s reserved just
for this purpose. This is a lot simpler than having to produce signed
paperwork. But there’s an element of trust involved here. The City
is trusting that someone who the elected board has not authorized
to communicate for them, isn’t abusing that trust.
A remedy would be for each official request or position sent to
the City from the NC include a statement as to how the decision
was reached. For example: 15-0 vote of the governing board at its
meeting of October 3, 2002.
Greg Nelson
213 / 485-1360
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