Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
3, 2003
Re: Office Space Procedures Report Approved. Conflict of Interest
Code and Filing Status Report. Contact Information for Members Needed.
Two New NCs Certified. Accomplishments Needed. Status of Donations
Good news! The process through which Neighborhood Councils will
be able to lease or occupy office space was approved unanimously
by the City Council yesterday, Tuesday.
The report is on our home page. In short, the City Council approved
a motion that would remove the Municipal Facilities Committee (don’t
ask) from the process of approving leases for Neighborhood Councils.
That will cut about a month off the normal office space approval
Most importantly, the City Council instructed the City Attorney
to draft an ordinance that removes the Department of General Services
from having to deal with all leases. A “standard” is being developed,
and if the landlord agrees with it, the General Manager of the Department
of Neighborhood Empowerment and the City Attorney will have the
ability to approve the leases. The City Charter required the City
Council to ultimately approve all leases.
Therefore, the process which normally takes at least 4-6 months
will be trimmed to 30-45 days. As you can probably surmise, having
the support of your city council member can help.
The report makes it easy to understand why it is not legally possible
for the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment to approve leases
or occupancy agreements right now. It’s flattering in a way that
so many people think that we have so much power, but in fact we
don’t. What we have been doing is working with the Neighborhood
Councils to develop streamlined ways for them to get done what they
have to get done.
Yesterday, the Rules and Elections Committee approved an amendment
to our department’s Conflict of Interest Code that defines Neighborhood
Council board members, only for the purpose of filing the Form 700
financial disclosure statements, as employees of our department.
With this change, Neighborhood Councils would have had to design
and adopt their own Conflict of Interest Codes or be forced to disclose
possible financial conflicts following the same rules as the Governor.
They would also have be burdened with all the state-required record
keeping. The new plan limits which information a board member must
disclose, and our department will do the paperwork, which will be
significant. Throughout all of City government, employees and officers
generate about 5,000 Form 700s a year. Neighborhood Councils will
generate about half that much on their own.
The recommendation was sent to the Education and Neighborhoods Committee
for their review. After it is approved by the City Council (expect
January), we will send everyone the forms and the instructions.
Board members will have 30 days to fill out and return the forms
to us. Over the last year, there have been 11 training sessions
throughout the city for board members. The rules and this new proposal
have been on our home page for the last six months. More information
to come.
As you can understand, it becomes very important for us to know
the names of each board member and some way of contacting them.
Failure to file these forms could result in fines. The official
Roster of Neighborhood Councils can be found on our home page. If
you are a board member, and your name isn’t on this list, we’ve
got a problem. Please contact Taneda Jordan at tjordan@mailbox.lacity.org
and give her your name as you wish it to appear on the roster, where
you would like us to postal and e-mail communications to you (it
could be through your NC’s secretary, its post office box, etc.),
and which contact information you would like to appear on the official
roster which is not only a public document, but appears on the Internet.
A separate issue that has not been officially publicly discussed
is to what extent Neighborhood Council leaders should have to comply
with the financial disclosure rules of the state’s Political Reform
Act. Some Neighborhood Councils have strong feelings about this.
Similar feelings were expressed by Councilman Dennis Zine at yesterday’s
meeting of the Rules and Elections Committee. He asked us to begin
working with him to find out what could be done to treat Neighborhood
Council board members differently than traditional city officials
and officers even if that might involve pursuing a change in state
law. As usual, your input is most welcomed.
Last night, the Board of Neighborhood Commissioner certified two
new Neighborhood Councils – the Olympic Park Neighborhood Council
and the neighboring Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council. That
brings us to 81.
In a past newsletter, it was mentioned that the Information Technology
Agency has budgeted money to produce nine half-hour shows about
Neighborhood Councils. A request was made for your suggestions.
The “early returns” are that Neighborhood Councils prefer using
the air time to both promote their own Neighborhood Council and
trying to attract new people into the Neighborhood Council system.
This, some have suggested, could be done by using the programs to
highlight the accomplishments of Neighborhood Councils as long as
those accomplishments have appeal to others.
Also on our home page is a list of Neighborhood Council accomplishments
that we try to keep updated. The problem is that it hasn’t been
updated in quite some time although Neighborhood Councils are achieving
remarkable things. Please send us your accomplishments so we can
add them to the list, perhaps identify them as achievements that
would possibly be featured in the programs.
The ordinance that would allow our department and Neighborhood Councils
to accept donations under a certain amount of money without having
to get City Council approval is working its way through the approval
system within the City Attorney’s office. Look for that one to become
public in January. The ordinance would also prescribe how the monetary
donations would be handled by the Neighborhood Councils.
Greg Nelson
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