DONE Newsletter
from the desk of Greg Nelson


Department of Neighborhood Empowerment

June 15, 2004

  Neighborhood Council Leaders
  Greg Nelson, General Manager, DONE

Congress of Neighborhoods Opinion Survey Results

Here are results from surveys that were circulated at the last Congress of Neighborhoods, and from those who responded afterwards to an e-mail offer to answer the survey questions.

Note from DONE: If our newsletters appear difficult to read because there are no breaks between the paragraphs, it is likely that you can resolve this by changing the settings on your e-mail system. That would involve ensuring that your system reads your incoming messages in HTML not in Plain Text. If you are using GroupWise, go to:


and change the settings. We are continuing to work on other remedies on our end.

May 22, 2004 – June 11, 2004

1. Do you personally have the ability send and receive e-mail messages?

88% (111)
= Yes
12% (15)
= No

1a. If no, is there anyone who can send and deliver messages for you?

43% (6)
= Yes
57% (8)
= No (Note: Two people responded “no” to this question after receiving the questionnaire that had been sent via e-mail)

2. The Election Procedures Working Group, the majority of whose members have been nominated from the Neighborhood Councils, is finalizing a list of recommendations that may be enacted into citywide polices or laws. Do you feel that there are some rules regarding Neighborhood Council elections that should apply to all Neighborhood Council elections?

67% (80)
= Yes
11% (9)
= No
24% (29
= Don’t Know/No Opinion

3. Neighborhood Council board members must abide by the state’s financial conflict interest laws, but as yet, they do not have to fill out financial disclosure statements. Should Neighborhood Council board members be required to fill out financial disclosure statements (better known as Form 700)?

35% (44)
= Yes
31% (39)
= No
30% (37)
= Yes, but only for decisions that they make regarding financial transactions such as the spending of money, hiring staff, and entering into contracts, and not for votes on community issues
4% (5)
= Don’t Know/No Opinion

4. The state’s Brown Act (the “open meetings law”) applies to Neighborhood Councils, and the City Charter requires that Neighborhood Councils do their business in an open and fair manner. Which best reflects the way you would like to see it apply to Neighborhood Councils?

54% (68)
= Keep it the way it is.
4% (5)
= Exempt the Neighborhood Councils from it.
39% (49)
= Change or eliminate certain parts that apply to Neighborhood Councils.
4% (5)
= Don’t Know/No Opinion

5. The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment sent a proposed Code of Civility to each Neighborhood Council in the event they want to adopt it as a guide for the action of its board members. Recently, a motion was introduced into the City Council that would make the Code a requirement for Neighborhood Council board members. Do you feel that a Code of Civility should be a requirement for all Neighborhood Council board members?

66% (75)
= Yes
22% (25)
= No
12% (14)
= Don’t Know/No Opinion

6. Are you being offered the training you feel you need?

67% (69)
= Yes
20% (21)
= No
13% (13)
= Don’t Know/No Opinion

7. Has your Neighborhood Council attempted to engage specific city departments concerning the delivery of services?

(Not tallied yet)

8. Has your Neighborhood Council included business representatives in its board or committees?

(Not tallied yet)

9. Are we better off or worse off with Neighborhood Councils?

80% (90)
= Better
3% (3)
= Worse
10% (11)
= Same
7% (8)
= Don’t Know/No Opinion

10. Please give a letter grade, like in school, to:

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
B 7.60
Board of Neighborhood Commissioners
B- 7.20
City Council
B- 7.18
Your Neighborhood Council
B- 7.06
(NOTE: A score of "7" equaled a B- while a score of "8" equaled a B.)


Greg Nelson

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