Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
10, 2004
Re: USC Project. Accomplishments.
The upcoming Congress of Neighborhood Councils on October 9, 2004
will mark the beginning of a process whereby the Congress may evolve
into an event at which citywide problems and policies are discussed,
and positions taken.
On October 9, from 8:30 to 10:15 a.m., I have asked a group led
by Professor Terry L. Cooper from the Neighborhood Participation
Project (NPP) in the School of Policy, Planning, and Development
at the University of Southern California to initiate this discussion.
They will meet with representatives appointed by each of the neighborhood
councils with elected boards in a forum where ideas regarding the
future of the Congress can be discussed.
They have asked that your neighborhood council appoint one individual
to represent your neighborhood council in this forum, and the following
meetings, and one individual to serve as an alternate in case your
nominee is unavailable.
The goal is to include the voice of your neighborhood council in
these next steps to determine how the Congress can best accommodate
the needs of the neighborhood council system, and to begin doing
it with a group of people who are dedicated to pursuing this idea
In order for your neighborhood council to participate in this important
forum, please notify us and the NPP of your appointee and alternate
by e-mail (including name, e-mail address, and phone number) for
each representative and alternate by replying to this message, or
sending the message to done@mailbox.lacity.org.
We will pass the names to the NPP and ensure that you are registered
for the Congress itself. Please try and do this by October 1, 2004.
Or you may call the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment toll-free
at (866) LA HELPS.
At the October 9 Congress of Neighborhoods, we’ve added a feature
that will allow the Neighborhood Councils to brag a little. If you
send us one or two single-sentence accomplishments of which your
Neighborhood Council is most proud, we will display them on the
giant screen when your Neighborhood Council’s name is displayed
the Celebration of Neighborhoods (Roll Call of Neighborhoods) portion
of the Congress.
You will need to keep it short so it can be readable by everyone
in the room. Please try and do this also by October 1, 2004. We
need time to prepare the graphics.
It’s time to start showing the world that Neighborhood Councils
can and are making a difference. Believe it or not, there are still
some skeptics out there.
Greg Nelson
866 / LA HELPS
213 / 485-1360
213 / 485-4608 fax