Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
September 23,
Re: STREET FURNITURE The "street furniture" issue back. It will be discussed in the Education and Neighborhoods Committee on Wednesday, September 28 at 2 p.m. in City Hall. I'm going to try and give you a heads up on this, but it goes back to the year 2000, and my memory isn't what it used to be.
Here's the link to the City Council File Index: It's Council File 00-1073.
Initiated with a Pacheco-Walters-Padilla motion, the City Council awarded a contract to Viacom Decaux. The company would be allowed to install automated public toliets, transit shelters, kiosks, and newsstands around the city, and charge for the placement of advertising on them. It's a 20 year contract with a minimum guarantee to the City of $150 million over the life of the contract.
Viacom paid some upfront to get the program started with inspectors and administrators.
The problem appears to be that some of the suggested locations aren't being approved by some City Council offices, so the City and Viacom are not getting the revenue that had been expected. The Chief Legislative Analyst has recommended a renegotiation of the contract to correct the problem. The Public Works Committee approved the report, which I don't have as I write this late on Friday.
I believe that discussion in committee on Wednesday will be around the imposition of a deadline that each City Council will have to decide on the suggested locations, so that the requests can't sit unaddressed forever.
The Legislative Assistant for the Education and Neighborhoods Committee is Patrice Lattimore at (213) 978-1074, or 3-1-1, or plattimore@clerk.lacity.org
Greg Nelson
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