The four LAPD Bureaus
. . . and their Divisions


The four Bureaus and their Divisions

Here is a handy list of the LAPD Bureaus and their respective Divisions. To determine which Division (local police station) serves your area find the closest address. Then give them a call to check.

Select the Bureau or Division name below
to see what's happening in your area


Valley Bureau
~~ Devonshire
~~ Foothill
~~ N. Hollywood
~~ Van Nuys
~~ West Valley
6240 Sylmar Avenue, Van Nuys
10250 Etiwanda Avenue, Northridge
12760 Osborne Street, Pacoima
11640 Burbank Blvd., North Hollywood
6240 Sylmar Avenue, Van Nuys
19020 Vanowen Street, Reseda
818 / 756-8303
818 / 756-8285
818 / 756-8861
818 / 623-4016
818 / 756-8343
818 / 756-8542
West Bureau
~~ Hollywood
~~ Pacific
~~ West LA
~~ Wilshire

4849 West Venice Blvd., LA
1358 North Wilcox Avenue, Hollywood
12312 Culver Blvd., LA
1663 Butler Avenue, LA
4861 West Venice Blvd., LA
213 / 473-0277
213 / 485-4302
310 / 202-4501
310 / 575-8402
213 / 485-4022
Central Bureau
~~ Central
~~ Hollenbeck
~~ Newton
~~ Northeast
~~ Rampart
251 East 6th Street, LA
251 East 6th Street, LA
2111 East 1st Street, LA
3400 South Central Avenue, LA
3353 San Fernando Road, LA
2710 West Temple Street, LA
213 / 485-3101
213 / 485-3294
213 / 485-2942
323 / 846-6524
213 / 485-2563
213 / 485-4061
South Bureau
~~ 77th Street
~~ Harbor
~~ Southeast
~~ Southwest
7600 South Broadway, LA
7600 South Broadway, LA
2175 John S. Gibson Blvd., San Pedro
145 West 108th Street, LA
1546 West Martin Luther King Blvd., LA
213 / 485-4251
213 / 485-4164
310 / 548-7605
213 / 485-6914
213 / 485-2582