Los Angeles Community Police Advisory Board
A Partnership Between the Community and the LAPD
( New Business, Guest Speakers Only )
To request a full version of the
Traffic Committee Minutes
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April 8, 2003 8:15am-10:00am
West L.A. Police Station
Roll Call Room 8:44 a.m.
8:44 a.m. Meeting called to order by the chair Robert A. Ringler.
Robert thanks everyone for coming.
A. Ringler, Chairman
Steve Twining, Roscomare, CPAB, Vice Chairman
Walt Lykosh, CPAB Liaison, Decoy Car Deployment
Len McRoskey, CPAB, Treasurer
Samantha Greenberg, Brentwood, Chair of the Handicap Placard
Committee, Parliamentarian
Sgt. Diana Armijo, LADOT Parking Enforcement
Capt. Calvin Aubrey, CHP, West LA Area, Area Commander
Noreen Brau, Brentwood Homeowner's Association
Dan Buben, Residents of Beverly Glen
Susan Bursk, Deputy, Council District Five
Pauline Chan, LADOT Officer
Shameil Coleman, CHP, Public Affairs
Officer Mike Davis, LAPD, West Traffic Division
Tom Donovan, CPAB
Nicole Foos, Brentwood Homeowner's Association
Sgt. Richard Harper, LAPD, West Traffic Division
Bette Harris, CPAB, Brentwood
Edward Headington, Deputy, Council District Eleven
Patricia Hearst, Hillside Federation
Officer H. Chris Henry, LAPD, West Traffic Division
Leslie Hope, Santa Monica Canyon, BOCA, Civic Association
Fortuna Ippoliti, Deputy, Council District Five
Beverly Kenworthy, Deputy, Council District Five
Commander Paul Kim, West Bureau LAPD
Sgt. Craig Lally, West LA Community Police Station
Richard Levier, Castle Heights Neighborhood Association
E Ho Lin, Bel-Air Association
Jody Litvak, Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA)
Robert Lockhart, LAPD, West LA Community Police Station
Sgt. Richard Luskleet, LAPD, West Traffic Division
Lieutenant Frank Maldonado, Parking Enforcement, LADOT
Dori Mehner, CPAB
Anita Miller, Brentwood Park
Larry Miller, Brentwood
Park Tom Mitchell, CPAB
Donna Moffitt, CPAB
Gene Nebeker, CPAB
Silvia Nickel, WRA, CPAB
Debbie Nussbaum, WHPOA
Officer John Poland,WLA Police Station, LAPD
Patti Post, Pacific Palisades Community Council
Steve Reasner, Westwood Hills
Jose Reines, Mandeville Canyon Association ,CPAB
John Richards, Bel-Air Association
Zacky Rozio, Kenter Canyon
Carol Segal, South Robertson Neighborhood Council
Marcia Selz, Holmby Hills Homeowner's Association
Gordon Smith, CPAB, Benedict Canyon
Ellis Stanley, General Manager, LA Emergency Preparedness Department
Susan Strick, Deputy City Attorney, Neighborhood Prosecutor
Officer Leland Tang, CHP Officer J. Taylor, LAPD, WTD
Councilman Jack Weiss, Councilman, Council District
Five Capt. Richard Wemmer, Commanding Officer West L.A. Division |
The Committee thanks Jose Reines for taking minutes at this meeting.
Introduction of Guests
Robert introduced Captain Rich Wemmer, Commanding Officer of West
Los Angeles Community Police Station. Captain Wemmer thanks everyone
for coming. There are almost a thousand participants on the Community
Alert System.
On a side note, Robert comments that of the 180 members that are
on the sign-in roster, 80% were e-mailed the information for this
meeting. Although not everyone on the roster attends every meeting,
some because they are in Sacramento or unable to attend, they take
this committee very seriously and want to be kept up-to-date on
its progress. Robert explains to the newcomers that this committee
is a problem-solving group with the Citizens, Law Enforcement, CHP,
LAPD, the Department of Transportation, the Council Offices, and
representatives of the Mayor's Office.
Robert introduces today's guest speaker Councilman Jack Weiss. He
also introduces Ellis Stanley, the General Manager of the Department
of Emergency Preparedness. He also introduces our special guests
Jennifer York and Vance Scott from the KTLA Morning News.
New Business
The Chair invites Councilman Jack Weiss to address our concerns
and the concerns of the community. He also asks Captain Wemmer,
Representatives from the California Highway Patrol, Ellis Stanley,
Jennifer York, and Vance Scott to please come up. Robert presents
an Award of Commendation from the City Council signed by Councilman
Jack Weiss and Councilman Dennis Zine, which reads as follows: "In
appreciation for your efforts in improving public safety while informing
the motoring public with the morning traffic report, you exercised
celebrity justice in doing the right thing as a citizen and as a
news reporter by initiating actions that led to the apprehension
of a hit and run suspect." Robert shows the committee the video
clip of Jennifer York following the hit and run suspect, which led
to his arrest. Jennifer and Vance explain that day's situation.
Before the other awards are to be presented, Councilman Jack Weiss
describes his involvement with the issue of high-speed pursuits
in the Los Angeles Area. Last Monday, he was in Sacramento with
the family of a baby who lost his arm as an innocent victim of a
high-speed pursuit. Councilman Jack Weiss says that he is trying
to change the law in Sacramento so that fleeing police will be a
felony. Currently, it is only a misdemeanor. He compliments Jennifer
for reporting on traffic every day, as a good citizen, a friend
of everyone in this room, and a friend and supporter of law enforcement.
Councilman Jack Weiss thanks Jennifer and Vance on behalf of the
City of Los Angeles and tells them that we are proud of them and
that is a real delight to have them here.
Jennifer explains what Vance's job is. He is the heart and soul
of the KTLA Morning News from the operation standpoint. He listens
to the scanners and informs the reporters of where to go. He was
also very supportive of letting the police know where the hit and
run suspect was at all times, which led to his apprehension. Vance
went on to say how determined Jennifer was to nail this guy and
if it wasn't for Jennifer's knowledge of the neighborhood, the suspect
might have gotten away. Jennifer went on to say what a positive
response she got from the community. She was amazed how passionate
people were about traffic, which drew applause from the committee.
Jack Weiss commented, "When Skycam 5 is in the air, you can run
but you can't hide."
Captain Wemmer also presented, along with Gene Nebeker, the CPAB
Co-Chair, a Certificate of Appreciation from the West Los Angeles
Community Police Station to Jennifer and Vance for their ongoing
Captain Calvin Aubrey, along with Officer Leland Tang and Officer
Shameil Coleman from the California Highway Patrol, presented Jennifer
York and Vance Scott with awards from the California Highway Patrol
thanking them for their efforts and all they do to improve traffic
safety. Captain Aubrey went on to say that they couldn't do their
job without their help.
Ellis Stanley stresses the importance of partnerships and that you
as a partner with government have made this a safer place to live
and we want to recognize that. We want to offer you this plaque
as a token of our appreciation to you and KTLA.
Introduction of Guest Speaker-Councilman Jack Weiss comments
that his "presentation" will be a hard act to follow. He reminded
everyone that before he became an elected official, he was a member
of this committee.
He introduced his staff: Susan Bursk, Beverly Kenworthy, and Fortuna
Ippoliti. They come to these meetings because this is where a lot
of good ideas come from. This is where he first learned about problems
such as not being able to cite individuals with the red light cameras
because the cameras only take pictures of the front license plate
and not the back. Twenty-five percent of individuals who run a red
light at a photo-enforced intersection do not have a front plate.
It was this committee that asked that LADOT Parking Enforcement
along with LAPD vigorously enforce the No Front Plate Law. His staff
not only comes to tell this committee about what's going on in the
city, but to learn from you, members of the community.
He acknowledges the officers and appreciates their outstanding work,
despite their limited resources. The Council along with LAPD has
initiated many successful Cross-Mountain Traffic Sweeps. This is
where we target speeders, reckless drivers, and impaired drivers,
by concentrating a large number of traffic officers in the Hillsides
for a short period of time. His first year in elected office, over
one thousand citations were issued in these Cross-Mountain Traffic
Sweeps. The Council Office will continue to work hard and also plans
to bring this program to other parts of the West Side.
The biggest project, which will take the next three years to complete,
will be the Santa Monica Transit Parkway Project. It involves the
digging up of Santa Monica from the 405 Freeway into the Beverly
Hills border. Little Santa Monica and Santa Monica will be combined
into one main Santa Monica. This will impose extraordinary burdens
on the West Side because of its impact on transportation and small
businesses. Deputy Susan Bursk has been working night and day with
the Department of Transportation and all of Public Works Bureaus
to try to stay on top of what these agencies are doing. One of the
most important things is to keep the traffic flowing on Santa Monica
Boulevard during the project. Signage will be put up to inform motorists
that Santa Monica is still open for traffic. According to the best-case
scenario, the project should be completed in 900 days, but most
likely it will be more.
Another thing that is going on in West L.A. is the Century City
Development. It is a complex issue because it involves the technical
calculations of how many cars going in and out of Century City.
The ABC Entertainment Center is located between the Twin Towers
and Century City Hotel, which is where the new developer plans on
putting in a 700,000 square feet project. The law permits them to
put in a 650,000 square feet project without asking the city for
permission; therefore, the City has limited leverage over this development.
We are working hard to see what the impacts will be and how they
can be mitigated. It is likely that Century City will continue to
grow. It was originally designed as a place for office buildings.
Councilman Jack Weiss continues to discuss the proposal to increase
the HOV lanes on the 405 Freeway, various segments have already
been completed. Regarding one of these segments, CALTRANS wanted
to either close the Montana off ramp or expand it and loop it through
the Westwood Hills Neighborhood, going through numerous houses,
thereby changing the character of the neighborhood. Jack met with
a representative from CALTRANS and informed him that he was against
expanding the Montana off ramp and he personally will do everything
he can to prevent that idea from being implemented.
Jack also discusses Benedict Canyon and the proposed changes for
the next 2 years. A major capital improvement project will occur
in upper Benedict Canyon, between Mulholland and Hutton. He believes
this is a good project, but it is a project that will cause serious
inconvenience for all of us in the Canyon Areas. This project provides
badly needed infrastructure improvements.
Jack is very impressed with the traffic sweeps that LAPD is doing
in the Canyons and will try to expand it to other areas of West
Los Angeles. This program is especially useful here because of the
high proportion of drivers breaking traffic laws on their way to
work. Some of the most serious offenders are parents driving near
schools. Our Council Office has a program called School Mates where
we work with the schools in our District to rationalize the drop-off
and pick-up process.
Jack opens up his presentation for any questions, comments, or suggestions.
Steve Twining asks what Jack's comments are about the possibility
of three Veteran Administration Offices in Century City. Jack explains
that the Veteran Administration Office here has been under a mandate
from Washington, throughout the Country, to maximize the returns
from their assets. From their national viewpoint, something should
be done with the most valuable land in the free world. The City
will do everything we can to block this. He has been very involved
with Supervisor Yaroslavsky, Council Woman Cindy Miscikowski, and
Congressman Waxman has been very vocal and active and has helped
to get the message across that this property should not be developed.
A member of the committee announced a meeting regarding this project.
Jack indicated that Susan Bursk will make sure that someone from
his office will be attending this meeting.
Robert Ringler brought to Councilman Jack Weiss's attention LADOT's
efforts to explore the use of a speed radar trailer or similar device.
Pauline Chan is chairing a committee to explore this experimental
program. This concept is especially important today in light of
the lack of motor officers available to enforce the speed laws in
our City. Jack thinks this is a great idea and in the next month,
when he is working on the city budget, he will focus on all sorts
of traffic improvements and traffic related projects. He asks Pauline
to make sure that his office is aware of any funding needed and
they will try to help in any way they can.
Walt Lykosh asked is there any reason why Benedict Canyon cannot
be done on a seven-day rather than a five-day basis. Jack is not
certain. Walt asks if it is a monetary issue. Jack thinks it may
be a money issue, but he is not sure. He will look into this with
Fortuna. Jack realizes this is a huge burden and he will do everything
he can, given budget resources, to make it as less painful as possible.
Steve Twining asked for Jack's opinions on UCLA's expansion. UCLA's
long-range plan was just approved by the Board of Regions; however,
the representatives of Neighborhood Council, Hillside Federation,
and other groups were not allowed to speak due to lack of time regarding
the future of this plan. Jack has limited authority since this is
a State issue and not a City issue and UCLA is governed by the Board
of Regents. Jack can try to exert subtle, unofficial influence to
make certain that the community will have their voice heard at these
hearings. Steve proposes one practical solution: for UCLA to provide
students, staff and faculty with free bus passes for MTA.
Steve Twining comments that we are the only part of town without
any significant form of rapid transit and asks what will be done
in regards to rapid transit to West Los Angeles. Santa Monica is
interested in the Expo Line. Jack tells everyone that a lot is going
on in terms of MTA work to try to expand public transportation.
A proposal is subject to Federal Transportation Funding and it is
a frustrating process.
Fortuna and Susan will speak with anyone who wants more information
on the School Mates Program. We bring bureaucratic entities and
community together to counter the impact of dangerous drivers near
the schools. This program has been successful in several places
and if any was interested, please get in touch with Fortuna and
Jack thanks everyone for having him speak today.
Jack introduces Commander Paul Kim to the committee. Commander Kim
wanted to tell everyone that he understands the traffic situation.
It affects everyone, regardless of where they live. He knows the
impact it has on the quality of life and lifestyle. LAPD is trying
to work with the committee and do some genuine problem solving.
He feels that law enforcement has a vital role to play, despite
various other governmental agencies involvement in traffic issues.
He hopes that what they have done has been satisfactory and if not,
he welcomes any suggestions and comments.
Captain Wemmer stated that anyone interested in the Community Alert
System should fill out a form and contact Officer Alex Rodriguez,
the CPAB Liaison Officer. Any comments or requests for patrol should
be given to Officer Alex Rodriguez or Sergeant Craig Lally.
Approval of Minutes
Robert Ringler asks for a motion to approve the March 11, 2003 minutes.
Len McRoskey moves and Gordon Smith seconds to approve the minutes
as written.
Community Traffic Reports
Glenroy Avenue and Sunset Boulevard-E-Ho Lin introduced himself
as a resident living on the North East corner of Sunset Boulevard
and Glenroy Avenue. He discussed in detail the dangerous situation
on Sunset as cars going westbound, especially when it's raining,
have wound up in his front yard, which is adjacent to a bus stop.
In the right turn lane, there is also a protrusion of the curb that
contributes to the accident history at this intersection. He is
concerned that someone waiting at the bus stop may be killed as
well as the property damage it has caused my residence and the damage
done to vehicles due to accidents at this intersection. He distributed
pictures illustrating in detail the nature of the intersection and
the problem. Also, correspondence he has had with different City
Agencies in their attempt to correct this situation. Fortuna commented
that she has been at this site and collaborates with Mr. Lin that
everything he's saying describes the dangerous nature of this intersection.
Robert asked Jody Litvak if safety is an issue, does MTA ever allocate
money to a City Agency like Public Works to improve a dangerous
situation. Jody responded by saying that MTA has co-funded projects
in the past. Robert asked if this could be put on MTA's list of
things to fund. Jack Richards from the Bel-Air Association commented
that a few years ago when Councilman Mike Feuer was in office, the
slope was raised by four inches, thousands of dollars were spent,
but it is still not raised sufficiently to prevent accidents. He
thanks the committee for inviting him and allowing him to present
his case.
Castle Heights Neighborhood Association-Rich Levier introduced
himself and thanked Deputy Susan Bursk and the Chair Robert Ringler
for inviting him. His neighborhood is situated on Robertson Boulevard,
north of the 10 Freeway. One of the streets that was mentioned earlier
Cattaraugus serves as a cut through street for cars on their way
to Century City. In his area, there is an elementary school called
Castle Heights Elementary School, which, thanks to Councilman Jack
Weiss's office, has a curbside drop-off program. The elementary
school is located between Beverwil and Castle Heights, which become
high-speed thoroughfares for cars on their way to Century City,
which creates a safety problem for children at the school. A similar
problem exists at Hamilton High School where cars speed on Robertson
Boulevard. There is a new stop sign on Bagley Avenue which is very
effective. He wants to once again thank Jack Weiss and his staff.
Mountaingate-Ernie Frankel is not present. Patricia Bell,
a resident in the area, asked if she could speak. She wanted clarification
on the State Law that requires a speed survey if police officers
are to use radar in enforcing speed limits in that area. She was
disturbed to hear that the speed limit in order to use radar is
determined by the speed of 85% of the vehicles using that roadway.
Pat agreed to pursue this issue and Robert asked if anyone else
would like to join her in pursuing this project. Officer Mike Davis
from Community Traffic Service Unit (CTSU) at the West LA's Community
Police Department volunteered to assist in this effort and his contact
information is (213) 473-0125. Officer Leland Tang from the CHP
mentioned there was a Bill working through the Senate that is trying
to allow Cities to set their own speed limits and waive the 85-percentile
Beverly Glen-Yfat Reiss not present. Dan Buben, the Vice-President
of Residents of Beverly Glen requested for a report on the Ferrari
accident on Beverly Glen. Fortuna Ippoliti informed us that a new
wall will be built for the residents who live at the scene of the
Wilshire Corridor-Marilyn Lewis not present.
Santa Monica Canyon/BOCA-Leslie Hope had two issues to discuss.
The first concerned a problem with people parking along upper Entrada.
There are two houses for sale and whenever the real estate agent
has an Open House, she has permission from the City that allows
prospective buyers to park along upper Entrada that does is normally
a no parking area. She also has a large sign up that will not being
coming down until April 15. The parked cars make it difficult for
residents to get out of some of the side streets such as Kingman
and San Lorenzo. This parking issue is upsetting residents. Next,
Leslie asked Pauline when they were going to get their traffic study.
Pauline responded that she has to contact several people and meet
with them to address the concerns in the area.
Brentwood-Noreen Brau commented on the traffic on Sunset
Boulevard approaching the 405 Freeway is practically gridlocked
every afternoon. It also affects the side streets because residents
cannot get onto Sunset Boulevard. The traffic is affecting the quality
of life for the Brentwood residents. The 405 Freeway affects everyone
starting from Wilshire Boulevard and Barrington Avenue starting
at 3:30 pm. Nicole Foos, the President of Parent Association at
Kenter Canyons School, commented on the serious traffic problems
in the area and she will be pursuing the School Mates Program with
Cindi Miscikowski.
Comments from the Chair-Robert Ringler interrupted the Community
Traffic Reports to suggest to newcomers to this Committee that in
order for problems to be resolved, you must come to every meeting.
If it is inconvenient to attend a meeting, please send a representative
to delegate in your place. Also, please e-mail or call to be put
on the agenda.
Holmby Hills-Marcia Selz commented that the Harvard Westlake
School Expansion, which affects traffic in the neighborhood, was
brought up before the Bel-Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council.
She discussed the 1984 Agreement with the school that limits growth.
We are looking for litigation measures from the school. The Bel-Air
Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council voted to support the residents
of that community in their attempt to have the 1984 Agreement upheld.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The folowing items were also discussed:
Neighborhood Council/Community Council Reports
Department of Transportation Report
Police Department Report
Deputy Mayor's Office Report
Council District 11 Report
Council District 5 Report
General Discussion
Announcement of Next Meeting
Meeting Adjourned
To request a full version of the
Traffic Committee Minutes
send an email to: