Los Angeles Community Police Advisory Board
A Partnership Between the Community and the LAPD
( New Business, Guest Speakers Only )
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Traffic Committee Minutes
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June 10, 2003
8:15am - 10:00am
West L.A. Police Station
Roll Call Room
8:31 a.m. Meeting called to order by the chair Robert A. Ringler.
A. Ringler, Chairman
Steve Twining, Roscomare, CPAB, Vice Chairman
Walt Lykosh, CPAB Liaison, Decoy Car Deployment
Len McRoskey, CPAB, Treasurer
Joshua Berman, Web Master, Benedict Canyon
Joanna Brody, Benedict Hills Estates, Fund-raising and Outreach
Samantha Greenberg, Brentwood, Chair of the Handicap Placard
Committee, Parliamentarian
Stan Arcader, CPAB, Member-At-Large
Tony Barba, Fox Studios
Noreen Brau, Brentwood Homeowner's Association
Captain Michael Chambers, Captain, West LA Community Police
Station Pauline Chan, LADOT
Mark Edwards, Field Deputy, Council District Eleven
Captain Clay Farrell, LAPD, West LA Community Police Station
Ernie Frankel, Mountaingate Homeowner's Association
Officer Dennis Hinman, LAPD, West LA Community Police Station
Leslie Hope, Santa Monica Canyon, BOCA, Civic Association
Fortuna Ippoliti, Deputy, Council District Five Sgt.
Craig Lally, West LA Community Police Station
Deborah Larcom, Area Resident
Edith Lehrer, PACT
Mel Leventhal, South Robertson Neighborhood Council
Rich Levier, Castle Heights Neighborhood Association
Evan Lincove, Deputy, Council District Five
Jody Litvak, Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA)
Officer Robert Lockhart, LAPD, West LA Community Police Station
Sergeant Richard Lukleet, LAPD, WTD
Jim Lundy, Beverly Glen
Lieutenant Frank Maldonado, Parking Enforcement
Desmond McDonald, Upper Mandeville Canyon Homeowners Association
Dori Mehner, CPAB
Anita Miller, Brentwood Park
Larry Miller, Brentwood Park
Tom Mitchell, CPAB
Gene Nebeker, CPAB
Debbie Nussbaum, WHPOA
John Poland, LAPD
Robert Raimist, CPAB
Traffic Officer Lori Real, LAPD, WTD
Jose Reines, Mandeville Canyon Association, CPAB
John Richards, Bel-Air Association, South Robertson Neighborhood
Marcia Selz, Holmby Hills Homeowner's Association
Lore Stone, Westside Resident, CPAB
Susan Strick, Deputy City Attorney, Neighborhood Prosecutor
Geoff Taylor, Officer-in-Charge, LAPD, Traffic Coordination
Officer Joseph Taylor, LAPD, WTD
Captain Bill Williams, Commanding Officer, LAPD, WTD |
Introduction of Guests
Robert introduces Captain Michael Chambers and Captain Clay Farrell
from West Los Angeles Community Police Station and Captain Bill
Williams from West Traffic Division, LAPD. He also introduces today's
guest speaker, David S. Cunningham III, the Vice President of the
Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners.
New Business
Introduction of Guest Speaker-David S. Cunningham III thanks
the Committee for inviting him to speak. He feels that this is a
very effective group. This group is the perfect example of the type
of partnership that we are seeking within the Department and the
One of the issues he would like to discuss is the Pursuit Policy.
The numbers of injuries that had arisen with the Pursuit Policy
reported by committees such as this one led the Commission to take
a closer look to see how they can change, how they can make the
streets safer, and have a rational and reasonable policy. Due to
this, there are eight requirements that an Officer had to go through
in deciding whether to pursue. Based on numerous studies and comments
from people like those on this Committee, the policy was changed
and will be implemented within the next week. This policy is not
to pursue if it is a mere infraction. We do not want to restrict
our Officers from enforcing the law. If there is a reasonable cause
for a pursuit based on probable cause, then the Officers with the
help of Air Support and other resources will engage the suspect.
We do not have to create a risk out on the streets. This policy
is a good example of the type of work that this Committee does and
the impact that it has had on our Commission. I wanted to come down
to take this opportunity to thank you and to let you know that the
Commission is here to listen to you. Again, I want to thank you
for your efforts and we will continue to work together with you
in the future.
Robert asked David if he would be so kind and look into developing
a policy that would allow people from this Committee or other volunteers
to be able to transport the Decoy Car and the Speed Trailer. Thus
allowing for an Officer to be on the streets, fighting crime and
enforcing traffic laws.
Walt Lykosh asked besides looking into a policy to allow us to assist
you in transporting the Decoy Car and Speed Trailer, we also need
more Decoy Cars. They are very effective in calming traffic in our
Commissioner Cunningham commented on the moving of the Decoy Cars
is a Risk Management issue and if we can find a way to resolve that,
then there shouldn't be any problems in having volunteers move the
Decoy Car and Speed Trailer. He will commit himself to investigate
this issue; however, in light of that we are facing a very restrictive
severe budgetary fiscal policy. We need your help in getting the
word out that we need more police officers and resources.
Jose Reines reminded the Commissioner that in the Hillside Community,
they have a lot of accidents and since there is a shortage of officers,
having Decoy Cars would minimize the danger in the Community. Commissioner
Cunningham asked how the Community Speed Watch Program worked. Robert
responded that as one of the originators of the Program that it
works fine as long as the volunteers are available. It takes four
people at a particular location where speeding is a problem to make
the Program work. Initially, there was a lot of enthusiasm, but
after a while, it's harder and harder to find volunteers to work
the Program.
Samantha Greenberg asked when the last time this Community Speed
Watch Program was enforced. Robert commented that is has been at
least two years since our community has used this program. Robert
went on to suggest that the Volunteer Surveillance Team known as
VST could pick up the slack and get a list of problem areas from
the different communities in our area.
Susan Strick from the City Attorney's Office asked if a study could
be done to see the impact of the new policy on crime. David Cunningham
really appreciated this question. The Commission made a study of
all major cities and the accident rates. We did not look at the
consequence of solving a crime. What we did find is that LAPD had
a significantly higher accident rate based on our policy at the
time. We compared our policy with more restrictive policies of other
cities that had lower accident rates. The accident rate is the focus
of this study and new policy. Susan also asked if the second aspect
of the study could be done, which is to look at the impact on crime.
David replied that this is a good idea and he will discuss this
with his fellow Commissioners.
Stan Arcader said that when the Decoy Cars are deployed and the
remote triggers the light bar at the top, it serves as a very effective
deterrent in reducing speed.
Jose Reines wanted the Commissioner to know that members of this
Committee has been working on a pilot project with LADOT to implement
a Speed Radar Program and we would like the Commissioner's support
in pursuing this project.
Steve Twining noted that there are over twice as many officers in
New York City. He also asked how much crime would be reduced if
we added the 350 additional officers to our Department that have
been requested. David responded that there has been a 24% reduction
in serious crime since Chief William J. Bratton became Police Chief.
This has a lot to do with wise deployment, time of year, and visibility.
As visibility of Officers increase, crime will decrease. He believes
a significant impact on crime reduction would result if more officers
were to be deployed.
Commissioner David Cunningham left his business card and invited
the Committee to e-mail him with any traffic issues. Robert thanked
David for coming on behalf of the Committee and hopes that he will
make his Police Commission Meeting on time.
Approval of Minutes
Jose Reines noted a correction on Page 6, second paragraph, of the
Minutes for the meeting on May 13, 2003. It states that "Jose Reines
said we need more…" Instead of "more," it should say "an alternate
to Speed Tables on Mandeville Canyon and if we could access some
of the money to study that."
The Minutes are moved to be approved as amended. Marcia Selz seconds.
The minutes are approved as amended.
Community Traffic Reports
Benedict Canyon-Joshua Berman mentioned that there was a
meeting last night at the Benedict Canyon Association. The scheduled
closure of Benedict Canyon from Mulholland to Hutton Drive has been
postponed until September because of budgetary constraints. Pauline
Chan will update on the issue of the edgelines that are planned
for Benedict Canyon. Other than that, the same problems persist.
Beverly Glen-Jim Lundy states that there are the same speeding
problems daily. There is also congestion and high levels of noise
from speeding vehicles.
Bienveneda Avenue/Pacific Palisades-Patti Post called in
Castle Heights Neighborhood Association-Rich Levier informed
the Committee that Castle Heights is located near the 10 Freeway
and Robertson Boulevard. They are involved with Pauline Chan who
is facilitating the Century City Expansion Traffic Mitigation Program.
It is an ongoing project. Maps have been drawn, plans have been
made, and feedback comes from the surrounding community. Steve Twining
asked what the Association was asking for out of this project. Rich
responded that he would like to see a gate surround his entire community
and keep everyone else out.
Glenroy Avenue and Sunset Boulevard-E-Ho Lin not present
but Pauline Chan updated the Committee by saying that LADOT will
be installing an edgeline on the north side of Sunset going westbound
to Glenroy at the affected curb lane.
Holmby Hills-Marcia Selz tells the Committee that they are
still in a contentious situation with Harvard Westlake School and
whose traffic has a negative impact within the Holmby Hills area
and on North Beverly Glen Boulevard. They have formed a Traffic/Noise
Task Force with the school, which includes three people from the
Association and three people from the school, which will make suggestions
to the school so the school will mitigate some of the traffic problems
such as mandated carpooling, staggered start time, smaller buses,
etc. She will keep the Committee updated. She wanted to thank Officer
Reynolds who helped her with the Hollywood map problem. Officer
Dennis Hinman, regarding the map issue, said that over a decade
ago, the City sued those who were selling maps on Sunset, but lost
the case. However, they are not allowed to put their signs advertising
their business on City or private property. Officer Hinman suggested
they contact their Senior Lead Officer, Michael Wang. Susan Strick
from the City Attorney's Office said that if they are using an A-frame
or sandwich sign, get the address of the property the sign is on
and contact Building and Safety.
Mountaingate-Ernie Frankel informs the Committee that they
are still having terrible speeding problems with cars going over
seventy miles per hour. The police have been patrolling and clocked
those speeding down the hill and have been able to catch the speed
limit violators. Ernie asked Pauline Chan about the availability
of the LED Speed Display Signs which tell people the speed they
are traveling at and the Speed Radar Program. He volunteers Mountaingate
to be a candidate if any testing needs to be done for these two
programs. Ernie also went on to say that we as members of this Committee
always take for granted what Robert, the Chair of this Committee,
does for us. He is a remarkable public servant. Robert thanked Ernie
for his comments.
Roscomare-Steve Twining informed the Committee that the State
Assembly Bill 872 has moved on to a State Senate Transportation
Committee. This Bill will give cities the opportunity to have more
control over the speed limits within the city. This will have an
impact on collector roads, especially in residential areas. He asked
Fortuna Ippoliti from Council District Five to comment on the apartment
building on Roscomare and Mulholland. Fortuna will take that on
in her report.
Wilshire Corridor-Marilyn Lewis not present.
Mandeville Canyon-Jose Reines asked who he should contact
if there are objects in the road, such as potholes, that cause traffic
and safety problems. Robert replied that he should contact Public
Works and Street Services, but he does not have the number for the
department at the time. A member of the Committee suggested Jose
call 3-1-1, which provides contact to all City services.
South Robertson Neighborhood Council-Mel Leventhal told the
Committee that the City has installed crosswalks on Robertson, south
of Pico; however, they do not seem to be operating properly. Instead
of flashing a yellow light only when a pedestrian is in the walkway,
it flashes all the time. This may cause a problem because drivers
will not pay attention to the lights if they are continuously flashing.
Pauline made a note of the problem and will pass it on to the appropriate
Westwood Hills-Debbie Nussbaum told the Committee the intersection
of Cashmere and Sepulveda is a very dangerous intersection. It is
almost impossible to make a left turn from Cashmere onto Sepulveda
because there are speeding vehicles and parked delivery trucks that
block the view of oncoming traffic so getting out of the intersection
is extremely dangerous and I appeal to this Committee for some form
of remedy.
Santa Monica Canyon/BOCA-Leslie Hope informed the Committee
that they are still trying to get their traffic study and hopefully
that is underway.
South Bundy-Charlie told the Committee that there is a serious
problem at the intersection of North Bundy as it approaches Sunset
Boulevard. He is recommending that the intersection be re-striped
so the right lane is a right-turn only lane, the center lane is
a through lane, and there be a left-turn lane. There is a lot of
congestion and gridlock at the intersection and that also needs
to be corrected.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The folowing items were also discussed:
Neighborhood Council/Community Council Reports
Department of Transportation Report
Handicap Placard Committee
Police Department Report
Deputy Mayor's Office Report
Council District 5 Report
Council District 11 Report
General Discussion
Announcement of Next Meeting
Meeting Adjourned
To request a full version of the
Traffic Committee Minutes
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