the community Neighborhood Watch is a must-participate effort
Jan. 28th
Dear LACP,
While I was Councilman in the 14th District it at that time included
all of the Hollenbeck Division of the LAPD, and I did a full-out
effort to recruit and establish Neighborhood Watch in every neighborhood.
I called and held meetings, neighborhood by neighborhood, and with
LAPD representatives pushed the concept and recruited leadership.
Captain Rudy deLeon was my close confidant in creating these changes,
and should be give equal credit for the progress we made. His straightforward
positioning changed a great deal in this period for Hollenbeck.
Prior to my becoming Councilman, Hollenbeck had one of the highest
crime rates in the City. Within two years after starting those efforts,
Hollenbeck fell to the second lowest crime rate in the City, behind
Devonshire Division in the West San Fernando Valley, and then it
tied with them, and then it became the lowest crime rate
area in the City!
Neighborhood Watch may not have been the only cause of the fall,
because we instituted many new programs, including the CRASH program
and foot patrols in the projects.
But it was a major force in bringing it about.
For any person interested in the stabilization of their community
and the reduction of crime, Neighborhood Watch is a must-participate
Please pass this on to your friends who are devoting themseves to
a similar campaign, with my best wishes for success.
Best regards,
Art Snyder
Member of the City Council, Retired