Letters to the Editor
... input from forum participants


A cry for help ... from a 14 year old female gang member

March 4th

My name is (name withheld by LACP) and I'm 14 years old. I just got out of juvenile hall and I want to help the LAPD get the gang members off the streets by telling them if they plan to do a drive-by or anything else.

If you guys need info about gangs you guys could ask me and I'll tell you what's up.

I'm a gang member and want to get out of my neighborhood but I need help.

Can the LAPD PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you


EDITOR'S NOTE: I replied to the young lady right away (to the email address she'd supplied) and spoke to my good friend Captain Sharyn Buck, commanding officer of Juvenile Division, for her advice about how to proceed.

To date, the 14 year old has not responded. But if she does, we'll be ready to help ... that's what it's all about. Here's the email I sent her:

March 4th

Dear (name withheld by LACP):

Please give me a call at your earliest convenience. I will help you all I can but will need to know a little more.

What part of town do you live in? Do you live at home? Are there other gang members in your house / family? Is your situation a safe one?

Please call me at the number below.

Yours in service,

Bill Murray
LA Community Policing

323 / 225-6393

Website address:

........ "Community Policing ... it's everyone's issue"