you very much for including an article about Charity Checks
July 10, 2004
Thank you very much for including the July 4th LA TIMES Article
about how our nonprofits' GIVING CERTIFICATES can help charities,
provide thoughtful gifts, and help teach the joy of giving.
Would you mind letting your readers know they can reach us by calling
1-800-854-5601 or visiting our web site at www.charitychecks.us?
They may want to know how they can get Charity Checks for their
own kids and friends and the article did not provide contact information.
We don't have any paid staff or PR firm, etc, so we appreciate any
help in spreading the word.
Lisa Sonne
Charity Checks, a nonprofit
Give the Joy of Giving (tm)
America's Giving Certificates
Charity Checks, Inc., a nonprofit