Original Correspondence with LAPD
. . . requests for rules /policy governing P.I.

Original Correspondence with LAPD
. . . requests for rules /policy governing P.I. issue
by Edward L. Woody


EDITOR'S NOTE: This correspondence preceded Mr. Woody sending his "Letter to the Editor" at LACP, his Open Letter to Chief Bratton. The author had requested to know the rules and policy governing the ability for sworn LAPD officers to simultaneously hold State Licenses as Private Investigators. The following exchange occurred:


Dec. 6th

LAPDOnline wrote:

Mr. Edward Woody,

The rules governing the licensing of Private Investigators in the State of California is governed by State Law and not the Los Angeles Police Department. The Los Angeles Police Department makes every effort to eliminate and/or minimize and conflict of interest issues and we are committed to investigating any reported incident of violation of State, City, and Department policy. If you have any specific complaints regarding our Department employees, please feel free to contact Internal Affairs Group by phone, in person, or via our Department website, Thank you very much for your comments and concerns and if we may be of further assistance in the future, please feel free to communicate with us.




Edward Woody wrote:

If this practice is legal, and it is open and above board, you should have nothing to hide from the public. I ask my question once more. How many LAPD officers are currently California licensed Private Investigators?

Edward L. Woody
Citizen and taxpayer


LAPDOnline wrote:

Please contact Personnel Division at 213 / 485-3243.



Edward Woody wrote:


Tom Brennan at Personnel Division says he has no way of knowing that information and suggested going to the Work Coordinator's office. I tried that, but was refused information. Crystal, the work permit coordinator, to whom I was referred, said it would take a week just to look up the information and that she did not have time.

Next I was referred by Mr. Brennan to the Human Resources Division at 213 / 485 4048. Lt. Blake Chow will call back when he has time.

I ask once more. How many LAPD officers currently hold Private Investigators licenses?

This is a simple question that should be easily answered. Is there no list available of these officers?

This lack of monitored information should indicate to you just how out of control this situation has become. How can you monitor and control these P.I.s within the LAPD without a list of holders of P.I. licenses?

How many criminal complaints are handled by LAPD officers who also work as P.I.s?

Do any of these officer/private eyes also work for law firms as investigators?

Do any of these law firms, who retain LAPD officer owned private investigator companies, represent clients in criminal cases?

If even one such example of this exists, then the policy allowing LAPD officers to be Private Eyes must be forbidden.

This policy allows a conflict of interests to exist within the department.

Edward L. Woody