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LA Community Policing Calendar
a new, city-wide, community service

Bill Murray - 7/08/02


LA Community Policing Calendar is very please to announce the launch of a brand new, city-wide, interactive community service, the Los Angeles Community Policing Calendar.

Just click here to view it (it's also always available off the front page):

LACP Calendar

Listed on the new LA Community Policing Calendar you'll find an ongoing and constantly updated stream of current community based policing and community government events.

Anyone at all can submit a listing for their area, and we've color coded the calendar to make it easy to see what's happening in your part of town.

Anything in listed in BLACK will be events that belong to the entire City, such as Police Commission meetings, Townhall meetings, and special events such as Golf Tournaments, etc. ... but Division events will be color coded by Bureau for ease of viewing.

Well list the events on the LA Community Policing calendar as follows:

  City-wide events BLACK
  Valley Bureau RED
  Central Bureau BLUE
  West Bureau GREEN
  South Bureau ORANGE
  Special events PURPLE

Typical events we'd like to see included will be Open Houses, C-PAB meetings, Special Bureau events ... in short, anything you'd like to see posted.

Feel free to send them in ...

Just click on the "ADD EVENT" button on the calendar itself, fill in the easy-to-use form, and send us your request. As soon as we can, we'll approve and post your listing.

Please be sure to include your phone number and contact information. And please be sure to let us know what Bureau and Division your calendar event belongs to, so that we can color code it correctly.

But that's it! It's that simple ...

As soon as your submission is received, reviewed and approved by Los Angeles Community Policing it will appear to everyone. In this way, anyone in the Department or anyone in the community can send in a submission, but inappropriate events will not get on the calendar (those that do not relate to community based policing specifically, and community involvement in government in general).

For now, since there's but one "master" calendar, we'll want to list the community events that are City-wide, Bureau-wide and Division-wide ... those that are larger than a Basic Car Meeting or a single Neighborhood Watch.

But eventually, we'd like to offer separate calendars for each of the 18 Divisions as well, and we'll have either the Division's Community Relations Officer or a designated community member be the official administrator of each one. The only thing stopping us from doing this now is the cost ... because each calendar needs to be licensed. But this is what we're headed for.

When we do, all local community events can be listed within a Division calendar, even smaller style events, including Neighborhood Watch announcements, Basic Car Meetings, community clean-ups, and perhaps even the individual Neighborhood Council meetings.

This is a wonderful calendar system, because separate calendars will be able to be viewed either by themselves or in any combination at all. For example, eventually if you only wanted to view the Hollywood and Pacific calendars together you could as to see just those two, but if you wanted to see what's happening in all of South Bureau you could select that group.

On the other hand, with a click a button, you could see all the LA Community Policing calendars displayed together, and might be able to plan the schedule for your upcoming event to avoid any significant conflict in dates and times with others.

Once again, a new event can be submitted in a few minutes, and will instantly appear to everyone as soon as the calendar administrator approves it. Corrections and changes to an existing entry can be made very quickly, too. They'll appear immediately, as soon as the administrator is notified.

We feel this is a tool whose time has come, and are happy to serve the City, Department and community by offering you the LA Community Policing Calendar.

So get busy ... send in you stuff!

Yours in service,

Bill Murray

Director, LA Community Policing

We are very grateful for the contribution made to the Los Angeles community by Bill Fisher, of Fisher Engineering, and his community website "SouthBayCalendar" which has made this possible, and to John M. Mavar, Harbor Area Director for Mayor James Hahn, who introduced us.

For more information on how this calendar got started, and especially to view what's going on in the greater South Bay Area, please see the website.


Note: This list will not be shared with any other group, nor will it be used for purposes other than promoting Los Angeles Community Policing.

Yours in service,

Bill Murray

Thank you for supporting your LAPD Officers.

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copyright 2002,
Los Angeles Community Policing