Contact us
this is YOUR Community Policing website

An Open Invite to Join Us
a non profit, 501(c)3
All contributions
are tax deductible.

Dear Sir or Madam:

We wish to congratulate you for being interested in Los Angeles Community Policing, a non-profit organization. is YOUR site. Participation from the entire community, civilian, sworn and government official alike, is encouraged and welcomed.

We've been asked about our motives in originally setting this up.

This is entirely a grassroots effort ...

We created this forum as private citizens, independent of any other group or affiliation we have. Active community volunteers and community policing advocates, we have no vested interest in anything other than a sincere desire to be of service.

We're neither current or a retired LAPD officers, nor have we ever been in law enforcement. We have no affiliation with any political group, nor with any police entity or union.

In other words, we're just people who are very supportive of the police officers and those who serve our community.

There is a lot to be done. We only hope new thinking and new ideas can be heard.

Our sole motivation is a desire to be of service by providing this ongoing forum, through which we inform, invite sharing, and encourage participation in Los Angeles area community based policing, and community involvement in government.

We invite you to join the LA Community Policing e-group and contribute to the C-PAB News sections. Feel free to send us an article or a "Letter to the Editor."

Let the community know what's working, and what's not, in your area.

We've recently become a state of California 501(c)3 non profit organization, and your support is needed,
as we empower Angelenos to participate in making their neighborhood streets safer ...

Our sole purpose is to seek paths to promote, encourage and share community policing and community government causes and ideas ... and, of course, to continue the web publishing of this site.

It is our fervent hope that those who visit here will become engaged in the process of bringing real community policing to the City of Los Angeles.

We simply seek to assist in making our LA area streets safer, and to improving the quality of life.

Yours in service,

Bill Murray

Director, LA Community Policing


Note: This LACP list will not be shared with any other group, nor will it be used for purposes other than promoting Los Angeles Community Policing.

Bill Murray