the LACP e-group
it's easy !!!
The LACP e-group, established through Yahoo! Groups, is a free
service that allows you to communicate in a convenient way to connect
with others who share the same interests and ideas (in this case,
public safety). Members join confident that it's in an easy-to-use,
privacy-protected, and spam-protected environment.
By sending a short email through the link below we can set things
up for you.
All you'll need to do is to send me the full email address you want
to use, followed by a single space, followed by your name.
For example, my full email address is Bmurray3rd@aol.com and my
name is Bill Murray, so I'd send a request saying, "Please
add me to the e-group":
Bill Murray
You don't need to give your full name, as I do, nor any at all ...
but contact information will be appreciated, and kept private. Other
group members will not see it displayed.
Once I get your message I'll send your info into Yahoo for
you, and from then on, you're a member of the LA Community Policing
e-group. You can immediately begin to participate in the dialogue
Remember, all we need is:
your full email address, a single space, and your name
All members of the e-group can post messages to each other, can
chose from a variety of delivey formats, and can remove themselves
by unsubscribing from the e-group at any time.
Thank you for supporting your LAPD Officers.
Bill Murray