To add yourself to our email list just click here:
Or tell everyone what you're doing, or what you think ...
This is a community forum, and Los Angeles Community Policing believes
that together we can make a difference.
As time goes on LACP.org will feature unusual and interesting things
that are being done in and around the City of Los Angeles by people
involved in community based policing.
There are many individuals, groups and organizations with ongoing
projects or special events are not a part of the "official"
LAPD structure, although they may be supported and even facilitated
by LAPD and community policing activists.
This is an invitation for you to be included. Let us know what topics
you'd like us to cover ...
And if you wish to write an article for LA Community Policing,
expressing your experience or opinion, by all means, please feel
free to send it in.
We'll be happy to create a link directly to your own group's website
if you have one ...
is YOUR website, your community forum ... so this will be what you
make it.
Get busy! Send in your stuff!
Oh, and thank you for your supporting your LAPD Officers.