LACP.org - it's YOUR site
We've had virtually nothing but a positive response about our LA Community Policing website, and have begun to receive invitations to visit a variety of community meetings, including C-PAB meetings, to talk about it.
As time goes on, we'll be happy to visit them all, as well as neighborhood "community government" group empowerment meetings, because we're trying to let all of you know that LACP.org is YOUR site, not ours.
It will become whatever you in the community make of it.
Now we need your help ... support us as we empower Angelenos to participate in making their neighborhood streets safer ...
Write an article ... or a letter
We encourage you to write us an article concerning community policing
issues. We want Los Angeles Community Policing to begin to reflect
other voices, other views.
There are many places on the site to do this already. You can send
us a "Letter to the Editor" or join the "LA Community
Policing e-group". And for the C-PABs and SLOs specifically,
areas for your contributions are broken out by LAPD Division.
So all we need at this point is to begin getting more of your outside
Community Policing - Confidentiality
We understand the need for confidentiality very well, and we'll never
use any community members' names, phone numbers, email addresses or
any other personal information without first obtaining their expressed
At LACP.org we know this should always be voluntary.
The email list we are compiling for our outreach will remain private
and will not be shared. People will be added or removed promptly and
it will be used solely for the promotion of community based policing.
This began as a simple attempt to form contacts between the LAPD C-PABs
across the City, but it's become much more than that.
The overwhelmingly positive response confirms to us that across the
City this service fulfills an important need, and so now it's become
a full time commitment.
Community Policing - Outreach
As we've said, there's been an incredible response to this site.
But so far, we've created the simple email list we're using for
our outreach from scratch ... and from our own resources.
Any suggestions you may have as to how we could let more potentially
interested Angelinos know of our Los Angeles Community Policing
forum is appreciated.
Perhaps there are some email group lists for your area of the City
that could be useful ...
Perhaps there are some of you who know of community websites to
which we could be linked ...
If you know of anything you think would help, or have any ideas
that can assist us in doing our outreach, please write to us here:
the meantime, we've added a way for individual visitors to the website
who are not currently on the contact list to ask to be added:
This list will not be shared with any other group, nor will it be
used for purposes other than promoting Los Angeles Community Policing.
Once again, we
appreciate your many kind words of encouragement, and ask your continued
help with outreach for Los Angeles Community Policing.
Yours in service,
Bill Murray
PS: Please feel free to spread the news about this site to anyone
you like.
PPS: Thank you for supporting your LAPD Officers.