... the community and the cops
Division's booster group offers a model
October 12, 2002 |
Division's booster organization, BLEND (Business and residents for
Law Enforcement Northeast Division), may well be the model
for similar groups around the City.
Without BLEND, many of the local volunteer and community programs
would flounder, and officers would lack much needed equipment.
BLEND and Northeast's C-PAB (Community-Police Advisory Board) co-sponsored
an amazing event today, the 3rd Annual Crime Prevention Fair and
Open House. To say it was a resounding success would be an understatement.
Largely because of these groups, and the vision of Captain Kyle
Jackson, Northeast's commanding officer and an outspoken advocate
of community based policing, the Division has quite a variety of
interactive activities, partnerships between the community and law
C-PABs themselves do not have treasuries, so over and over active
Advisory Board members are required to either dig into their own
pockets to support programs, or rely on an often already under funded
Division for support. But BLEND fills in the gap at Northeast.
The partnership is a match made in heaven, and without it, there's
no doubt Central Bureau's Northeast Division would be a very different
And the officers know that when a need arises, BLEND responds.
As Captain Jackson says, "It's all about collaboration ...
we have to bring in the community and ask for its help, building
relationships that can make a real difference."
Heinrich (Rick) Keifer, current BLEND President, says the organization
is about 30 years old. Over time it has contributed fitness equipment
for a refurbished gym, new bikes for the Bike Patrol, and helped
defray construction costs when a section of the building needed
to be partitioned.
But not all of BLEND's support is for large ticket items. Recently
the group provided the Division with a paper shredder and on another
occasion a copy machine.
Earlier this year BLEND provided the refreshments and other amenities
for a Central Bureau Townhall event hosted by Northeast Division
at Occidental College. Keifer pointed out that although they often
operate quietly and in the background, BLEND's participation frequently
increases the quality of local LAPD events, and make them a better
experience for the public and the officers.
At today's event, the five hour Crime Prevention Fair and Open House,
Heinrich estimated that between 1500 and 2000 people attended, noting
that 700 hot dogs (free to kids) disappeared quickly.
LAPD's Chief of Police Martin Pomeroy and Commander Lee Carter of
Central Bureau participated, as did US Congressman Xavier Becerra,
California State Assemblymember Carol Liu, and four members of the
LA City Council, Eric Garcetti, Tom LaBonge, Ed Reyes and Nick Pacheco.
This was a family event, featuring a free Bounce House for younger
children, a Dodger pitching machine, visits to the mobile Dodger
History Museum Trailer and any number of giveaways. There was music
broadcast by a DJ, and attendees took guided tours of the Northeast
Area Community Police Station.
But the meat of the event was the opportunity to gather information,
learn about available services, or sign up for community volunteer
opportunities at Crime Prevention Booths.
Attendees found out how they could become a part of Northeast's
newest community policing program by joining the Volunteer Surveillance
Team (VST), a real favorite of Captain Jackson, and one he enjoys
talking about. The Senior Lead Officers and Northeast's Problem
Solving Detail, a successful new program that helps the community
fight crime and improve neighborhoods, are other programs he'll
Crime Prevention and Community Service Booths included: Scientific
Investigation Division, LAPD Communications, Bike Patrol, Bomb Squad,
Motorcycle Division, Problem Solving Unit, S.W.A.T., Air Support,
D.A.R.E., Narcotics, Explorers, Jeopardy Program, K-9 Unit, Los
Angeles Fire Department, Volunteer Surveillance Team, Police Historical
Society Museum, LA Dodgers, American Red Cross, Department of the
Aging, Fingerprinting and Child Identification, Park Rangers, Devonshire
Search and Rescue, California Highway Patrol, BLEND and C-PAB.
Kids rubbed elbows with other youngsters involved in wholesome activities.
Northeast Division's well mannered Explorers were there in force
working the event, as was the new Junior Marine group, open to kids
from 8 to 18. The group meets in Griffith Park and came dressed
in their camouflage uniforms.
Everyone who attended had fun ... and learned a lot.
BLEND President Heinrich Keifer runs Northwestern Plumbing on York
Boulevard in "real" life. He singled out new Board member,
Ralph Surdo, as having made a significant contribution to the planning
for the event, saying he single-handedly raised about $1800 of the
$2200 needed to pull it off, principally by approaching corporate
Most funds are normally raised through membership. Business membership
is $75.00 annually and the Resident membership is $25.00.
BLEND supports and participates in Northeast Division's Police Appreciation
Day, Crime Prevention Fair, Open House, Celebrity Golf Tournament,
Explorer Challenge, C-PAB (Community-Police Advisory Board), DART
(Domestic Abuse Response Team) and VST (Volunteer Surveillance Team),
Heinrich says it's easy to see the real value of a booster group
like BLEND, and extends an invitation to community members from
other Divisions to contact him if they'd like assistance in getting
a similar group off the ground.
BLEND (Business
and residents for Law Enforcement Northeast Division)
meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month, from 8:00am - 9:30am
in the Community Relations Office.
Northeast Division Station
3353 San Fernando Road
Call to confirm the dates for BLEND meetings:
....Northeast Division Community Relations
....Community Relations Officer, Rita
....213 / 485-2548
Or call these LACP Northeast community liaisons:
....Heinrich "Rick" Keifer - BLEND President, Northwestern
....323 / 258-7920
....Barbara Lopez - C-PAB Member and LACP liaison
....323 / 256-1319