We welcome your commentary and opinions
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009
LACP.org is YOUR site, and will become whatever you wish. You will
help decide what will be discussed in the area of community based
opinions expressed in this section will be those that come through
the link below:
Your letter must be "signed" with your name and the area
you come from, or a title.
~~~~~ YOUR
LETTERS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Need for more youth program info
...October 27 - Lupe, City of Compton
Loud bullhorns used by church
...October 26 - Susan Rocha, Los Angeles
Problem with a neighbor
...October 25 - Lisa, Northeast LA
Loud Music Complaints
...October 11 - Bradley Pierce, Los Angeles
Recycling thieves
...October 3 - Mark,
Your website and city
...September 17 - Lorraine Inman, Bolton.Lancs, England
Jeopardy Program
...August 26 -
Lucia Arciga, Highland Park
Pacific Area - New Resource - the "Pacific Beat" website
...July 8 - Sue Slaton,
Pacific Area
Tracking Drug Arrests
...June 19 - Jamie Baker, Los Angeles
Officers Moonlighting at LAPD
...April 26 - anonymous
Shomrim (Jewish Officers) Banquet
...April 23 - Todd Silver, Shomrim 1st Vice President (Past President)
How do I get Local Crime Reports?
...March 21 - anonymous (90035 zip code)
Feds will not share intel because of LAPD's dual employment policy
...February 10 - Edward Woody, Los Angeles - (an open letter to the Mayor)
The opinions expressed in this section will be those that come through
the link below:
Your letter must be "signed" with your name and the
area you come from, or a title.
Thank you for your active participation.
Yours in service,
Bill Murray